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The Meltdown Tour
November 2010

Jim Corr & Ian R Crane

Live in Dundalk, Eire

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7pm (GMT) till 11pm - Tuesday 9th November 2010 Jim Corr & Ian R Crane are currently taking Ireland by storm with their 'Meltdown' Tour, explaining to those with the 'Ears to hear' that Ireland is in the process of being taken over in a 'Bloodless Coup' by the European Banksters. Everything that Jim and Ian have been presenting for the past two week s was endorsed by Dublin University Economist Morgan Kelly in yesterday's Irish Times. will be consigned to the History Books.

To add injury to insult the headline in today's Irish Daily Mail spells out in words on one syllabal the fact that Brian Cowen and his Irish Government have committed Economic Treason by selling out the Irish Nation. The 88yr old Republic has been surrendered without a whimper!

Is this the end of the Celtic Tiger? The European Eurocrats and Banksters believe it is. They believe that the Irish people are so brow-beaten that they will roll over and accept direct rule from Brussels with minimalist ineffectual protest. Irish Premier Brian Cowen must be finding it very difficult to sleep at night knowing that he has not only sold his own Soul to the dark forces behind the EU and globalist agenda but also the Soul of a once proud nation. Cowen and his Finance Minister Brian Lenihan have committed Economic Treason but unless the slumbering Celtic Tiger awakens between now and the sanctioning of the Six Billion Euro austerty budget scheduled to be pased into law on 7th December, Irish Sovereignty

Iceland was the original experiment but this went sour when the Icelandic Government defaulted on the liabilities created by their rogue bankers ... now their attention is on Ireland. If the Irish people capitulate the this outrageous attack on their national sovereignty, the other European Nations will be next!

Book Tickets for one of the Remaining Talks on The Meltdown Tour

Tues 9th November 2010 - Lisdoo Function SJJim uite, Dundalk, Co Louth

Weds 10th November 2010 - Radisson Blu Hotel, Galway City, Co Galway

Thurs 11th November 2010 - Ashling Hotel, 10 Parkgate St, Dublin

Ian R Crane

If Ireland surrenders financial Sovereignty to the Banksters ... the UK and the rest of Europe with be next!

The Central Banks are counting on the Irish people remaining asleep ... this is their wake-up Call!; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #900000; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Narrow, Arial MT Condensed Light, sans-serif; LETTER-SPACING: 2px; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-SIZE: 18pt" bgColor=#900000 background= align=right>Featured DVD

If you can't make it to one of the dates on the Meltdown Tour or want to spread the word further afield, here's the recording of Jim & Ian at the Ashling Hotel, Dublin on Friday 22nd October 2010

Jim talks about his awakening to the Truth of 9/11 and his realisation that Ireland is in the grip of an outrageous financial fraud.

Ian discusses the alchemical process of Fractional Reserve Banking, explaining how money (debt) is created out of nothing and how Ireland is the testing ground for a template to subjugate all European Countries to the Central Banks. If Ireland capitulates, the rest of Europe will follow.

There is an alternative but is there any politician that does not have their snout so far in the trough that they can see the way forward?

Available from Monday 15th November 2010

Click HERE to Pre-Order

BP, Population Reduction & The End of an Age

Not only does this disaster bear all the hallmarks of a contrived event; it is an event which will have long-lasting and far-reaching impact upon the lives of tens perhaps hundreds of millions of people.

Whilst increasing numbers of people get sick in the Gulf Coast and the reports of 'Crop Damage' appear throughout the US, the British and European media leads the general public to believe that the oil has all but disappeared from the Gulf of Mexico and that the whole event was exaggerated by a US media, generating mass hysteria in a bid to demonise BP.

However, it is imperative we consider the implications of the toxic Oil/Corxit mix entering the Gulf Stream and being transported around the Globe.; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #900000; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Narrow, Arial MT Condensed Light, sans-serif; LETTER-SPACING: 2px; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-SIZE: 18pt" bgColor=#900000 background= align=left>
Featured DVD
Billions of dollars are being spent to convince humanity that the presence of the Human Race on Earth is the real threat to the species. The ultimate goal is to replace Six Billion Humans with 500 Million Super-Humans - a reduction of 90%

"Outrageous, impossible," I hear you exclaim.

If this is your reaction, you will probably not be interested in reviewing the evidence, presented by Ian R Crane at AV3, which demonstrated that the 'Enlilian Mafia' do not have our best interests at heart.; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #900000; FONT-FAMILY: Arial Narrow, Arial MT Condensed Light, sans-serif; LETTER-SPACING: 2px; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-SIZE: 18pt" bgColor=#900000 background= align=left>
Featured Video


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Comment by Charles Magus on November 10, 2010 at 1:45am
Thank you Ryan!! We really need help here!! I wouldn't want any country to go through this! If people woke up here, they could do what Norway did and stop them.

Comment by Ryan McShane on November 9, 2010 at 7:24pm
I will look into it. Please also see this:
Comment by Charles Magus on November 9, 2010 at 3:32pm
Hi Sevan!1 Is there any way to make thismore visible for people to see?



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