Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley: The Hidden Agenda Behind WikiLeaks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition

WikiLeaks created to Destroy the freedom of the Internet!Julian Assange is a CIA agent.

Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley: The Hidden Agenda Behind WikiLeaks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/5

Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley: The Hidden Agenda Behind WikiLeaks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/5

Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley: The Hidden Agenda Behind WikiLeaks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/5

Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley: The Hidden Agenda Behind WikiLeaks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 4/5

Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley: The Hidden Agenda Behind WikiLeaks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 5/5

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Comment by Charles Magus on December 13, 2010 at 8:01am

I have seen what Alex Jones has done on a Peace rally that was nothing to do with him!!  He tried to create chaos!  He is working for them as that is where his money is coming from!

Comment by Charles Magus on December 11, 2010 at 10:31am

Great videos Ryan!!  They lead to others!!  Thank you Friend!




Comment by Charles Magus on December 11, 2010 at 8:08am

I will not do what Alex Jones tells me to do, but I will keep an ear on what he has to say!   Thanks Ryan for the Links and the Info.




Comment by Ryan McShane on December 10, 2010 at 8:10pm
Comment by Ryan McShane on December 10, 2010 at 8:06pm

Just be careful about how much you can trust Alex Jones, the Illuminati Jesuit gatekeeper.  He pays careful attention to the sway of truth information, and he jumps on the bandwagon every time. He will now jump on the anti-Julian-Assange bandwagon to promote himself. Just be careful, because he will gain the trust of many, and the people will follow him like a leader until he gives his final deceptive blow. Alex Jones is 90% scaremongering truth and 10% disinformation. He is the closest major public figure to truth, but one day he will create global chaos like this world has never seen. That is not what we need. We need to come together in unity--not chaos as Jones will continue to promote. Learn to filter the Alex Jones truth from the Alex Jones scaremongering, and he can be a useful source of information, but don't let it go passed that.


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