What energy and experiences can we expect in August 2010? This month has a sense of stability and a sense of chaos together. This month you are going to see a lot of dynamics that have been hidden deep under the surface come to the surface. They have been hidden deep within all of you. They have been held as secrets in organizations and institutions. This is a month when secrets are going to come bubbling to the surface. If you think of the year of 2010 as the year of truth, through the year up until now, you have been dealing with the truth, you have been looking at the truth, and you have had to face some things in your lives that were difficult. Now at this point in the year, when you have cleared enough on the surface or the more superficial levels of yourselves and of your organizations -- now you are ready to delve into the deepest, heaviest, darkest truths. This is a time when secrets will be uncovered and much will be revealed. You are likely to see large collective endeavors taking place that bring truth to light whether they be international conflicts that help to reveal secretive agreements that were made between governments, or whether they are natural disasters that helped to reveal the flaws in your systems. The power dynamics that you have established between different countries, different states, different organizations -- all of these things will be revealed through events that bring them to the surface and call your attention undeniably to the truth about things that you never could see before. You will also see this process of exposure in your individual lives. It is time now to face the deepest, hardest truths of your life. The things that have held you back for decades, maybe even for many lifetimes before, will make themselves known this month and it will take a lot of effort to resist seeing these things. If you find yourself exhausted this month, consider that you are exhausting yourself by resisting seeing the truth. Just look for the truth. Keep asking yourselves on a daily basis, what is it that I know here? What is being revealed in this situation? Just keep asking yourself, what do you know? What is true for you? What are you feeling? What does that tell you about the situation? There cannot possibly be enough questions that you ask yourself this month. It can be a difficult month, especially if you are in resistance. It can also be a difficult month because it is painful to see truths that have long been held secret. But overall, this month has a very solid, stabilizing energy to help support you through this. This is a good month to explore the energy of the divine masculine -- the comforting, compassionate, stabilizing parts of you. Look for your strength and be willing to reach out to get help from others and to help others. But, make sure that you do not try to help others to see the truth. Trust that their environment and their circumstance will lead them to the truth in their own perfect time. Instead, reach out to one another and offer support in the form of compassion. Do not tell people the answer. Simply hold them in comfort and love as they uncover the answer for themselves. Are there any other ways that we can work best with the energy of this month? Something that would be beneficial and makes a big difference for all of you this month is if you will individually decide to move forward with the truth rather than trying to pretend that things will go back to the way they were. This can feel like a very powerless position at this point of the evolution of humanity because the problems are so big and far-reaching, that deciding to face the truth does not really seem to make much difference at all. It just makes you feel very aware of how powerless you are in this moment to change or affect the entire world. The more of you that decide to accept the fact that things are changing, that they will never go back to the way that they were -- the more of you who do this, the more you are making space in society and in the world, for everyone to eventually step out of denial and move forward. You will not see the effects of this right away, but it will make an enormous difference if you will gently, consistently look to the future based on what you see happening now rather than imagining how you can try to get things to go back to the way that they were. That will not happen. Any efforts that you as an individual or your government or large institutions make to try to put things back the way they were, will turn out to be just patches that eventually wear through. Are there any power days this month? Yes. August 7 through 15 is a time of special power. This is a time when it is most potent for you to access the divine masculine. This week is a time to call forth your inner strength. Decide to step up to the plate and take care of yourselves and take care of anything in your sphere of influence. It is an important time for taking accountability. August 30 has a benevolent, calming, expanding energy. It is like a cosmic hug. Look for a way to take good care of your body, mind, and spirit on August 30. Is there any final information the Keepers want to say about this month? Yes. The Keepers want to say that the truth can be difficult to face, but the truth is what brings you your power. There is an enormous amount of hope available this month. That hope resides completely in your willingness to dig for the deeper truths -- let them come to the surface and see them for what they are. If you really let go of the past and you really let go of the old attachments, what you will find is an incredible amount of hope and energy for the future. If you feel hopeless or exhausted this month, again, you can know that somewhere deep within you are resisting the truth or denying what is really happening, trying to hold onto the past. If you find yourself exhausted this month, keep looking for any part of your life or the world around you in which you are holding resistance or standing in denial. If you will do that, you will keep uncovering the truths that set you free. Reclaiming the hopefulness that is your birthright at this quickly evolving, very energized and exciting time in the story of humanity. ~~~~~ This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith through Akashic Transformations. It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Moffat Eramith and Akashic Transformations. Please include this message with all redistributions. Read more:
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