
A group of friends set out on a journey to uncover the greatest mysteries of life and what lies beyond the doors of common perception. They will vividly confirm once and for all that they are truly Supreme Beings in the midst of a quite animated innerverse.


Actor Director: Vastface

Actor Producer: Clearface 

Actor Lead Camera: Whole

Actor Visual Effects: Flo

Chief Editor: S. Skinny

Project Coordinator: G. Marin


In 2015 a group of Seekers team up to explore some of the last pristine areas of Central America’s Costa Rica. What first seems like a beautiful vacation in paradise unfolds in to a quest for truth after the four make use of a rare element that opens their doors of perception allowing them to peer in to other worlds. They call it Diamond Tree. You are invited to join as they crack the vaults of existence and its greatest kept secrets. This is a realtime documentary about their unique journeys for all to reflect on some of the most vivid insights gained about human existence and beyond.

Project Outline

The crew will gear up and set out to various areas over a 2 - 3 week period visually and audibly capturing the dialog expounded upon on the journey through the elements. 


Borinquen - The Fire Element: A scene set in a geothermal environment replete with volcanic elements.

Venado Cave - The Earth Element: The depths of Earth furnished with the solace of the lowlands.

Ojotal - The Water Element: Deep in the jungle in to the nearly untouched world.

Cerro Cherippo - The Air Element: The heights, a location amongst the first to emerge after the deluge. 

Views: 4940


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Comment by Ajibabi Ngodu-Seck on April 29, 2015 at 8:25am

Balance and wholeness

I am trying to see Diamond Tree documentary, when will it be playing. I need help with my livity (diet). I'm 68, vegetarian and ready to be activated so I can move to the next level.  when the activation center in Costa Rica opens I want to be there. I luv Sevan and the tremendous work he is doing.  thanking U in advance. Hotep 

Comment by Michael Post on April 3, 2015 at 5:36pm
When is this?
Wholeness, Balance, and the very Highest of Vibrations to you all.
Comment by copanubis on March 17, 2015 at 1:34pm

Unbelievable! Movies too! Soo Exciting! :)

Comment by Andres ray Rodriguez Sr. on March 6, 2015 at 11:45pm
im ready i will be eager to follow you i am sending good harmonius vibrations to all the world universe realms and all that is unique in and beautiful in the penial optic of creation all for one one for and all for all turn negative division into one level of compromised oneness
Comment by Denise Cleaver Bascombe on March 6, 2015 at 9:11pm

I'm ready!!!

Comment by G JAMAL FORD on March 6, 2015 at 6:04pm
Can't wait!!
Comment by Khayeel on March 6, 2015 at 5:58am
I can't wait! Looking forward to sharing in this experience.
Comment by Rebekah on March 5, 2015 at 12:27pm
Duuuude... *_* Excited!
Comment by siģis on March 2, 2015 at 12:27pm


does anyone know when iAMØON project is launching :)

Comment by Ricardo on February 24, 2015 at 8:39am

Wow. Very excited for this right here. :-)


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