February 26, 2013

Resistance members who have been around for awhile can recall we have been discussing the Astral Quest platform now in Beta for at least 2 years which is evident by the registration of our domains. Although somewhat late I have received notification from a fellow Resistance member that Google via Niantic Labs has launched Ingress on December 2, 2012 for the Android Platform. The word "Ingress" is defined as 1. (astronomy) the disappearance of a celestial body prior to an eclipse 2. the act of entering or going within. Sound like innerstanding to you or "just a speculation"?


With all of the internet data at their fingertips it is no wonder if Google is skimming the cream of the hottest ideas on the web and then attempting to develop them ahead of schedule. Ingress features 2 sides, Enlightened and Resistance. Looks like we made both sides on this one lol. There is talk of Resonators, Leveling Up, and Portals as this new augmented reality platform struggles to find its way and concept. Here is a quote from their Ingress Wikipedia entry "The top-level goal of the game is for one’s faction to control large numbers of “Mind Units”, the estimated number of humans within the regions of territory controlled by the faction."


Its also very clear that the app lacks a true storyline and retaining concept beyond augmented "enhanced" reality and can only bring more recognition to The Official Resistance website as we already accepted a member today who listed "Ingress" as their method of finding out about us. Either its backfiring on Google or all apart of the design anyway, we will have to see.


Lastly I would also like to comment on Augmented Reality and how it is being used as it raises some alarms in the area of eidolons or thought forms concentrations in many areas in the future. For those who know nothing about it I will explain as simple as possible one of the most common uses.


If you happen to be in an area that someone has created an "augmented reality scene" you can look look through any device that supports that augmented reality and you will see the scene through that device. An example is lets say I'm at a table in a park enjoying a meal with friends and I decide to record it and put it in to a platform like Googles new Glass. When another person comes to that area on a later date they will see nothing, but if they hold up their Augmented Reality device to that area they will see me there with friends.


This is being pushed because it has many applications ranging from getting directions when lost all the way to marking areas with certain symbols and clues to notify others who know how to follow those clues. On a spiritual level we have already discovered that in areas especially those that are haunted people see scenes of what took place and characters involved even if they have been long gone from the physical plane. It was later discovered this occurs due to concentrated thought and multiple mind links in real time remembering that occurance. It makes us ask the question will augmented reality populate the invisible world with new thought forms?

Still don't get augmented reality? Check out this video, talk about a Technology addiction and dependency coming on.


More images from NianticLabs Website




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Comment by Denise La Roche on March 1, 2013 at 8:50pm

Wholeness. Kyle, thanks for the insight. It is like unraveling a large ball of yarn. The harder you try the more knots and twist u encounter! Sucram: Game the Gamers! I like that!

Comment by Sucram on March 1, 2013 at 5:48pm
I was actually spiraling deep about the idea of hacking and sabotaging this niantic /ingress game :)

First think of the 2 fractions. We have:
“The Enlightened” seek to embrace the power that this energy may bestow upon us.
“The Resistance” struggle to defend, and protect what’s left of our humanity.
If i would take a guess the sign up rate will be approx 50:50 simply because we can be sure that this has been tested upfront. But really, It also doesnt really matter which site people choose.. Both belong to the same illuminati-like structure behind. Those who sign up for the game obviously do not see this.

Those who sign up and really play the game are an audience that likes all the mystery "holy wood" productions that have become so popular over that past few years. I could imagine that it even may become big especially in combination with advanced technology like the glass (they could animate the portals for those who have a glass...). Also more importantly, it is not just a game that you play online sitting in front of your computer! It realy requires your physical action. Think about it.. The key element in this game is to 'hack portals' that are located at real offline locations. The games aim is to grow in this games hirachy, strengthen ones team by hacking more portals or winning them back. To do this, you physically need to visit the portals. When you hack portals you loose energy. If you want to continue playing and hack the next portal you need to walk around to regain energy... geolocation is charging up your game energy. i dont know the acual moves (rituals?!?) that need to be carried out, but those individuals who really play the game bring in 2 very precious attributes:
Resonance to the idea that life is much more about energy, a higher principle, something that may be disclosed to them when playing the game..all the niantic page is built like mystery tv series similar to "lost" etc...... So those individuals who sign up, for sure they want to get in the KNOW. Also, they have the fire burning, they have Passion to actually physically cary out an action...otherwise they wouldnt walm around like crazy with their mobile and hack portals :)... this passion is needed to actually do something about EXPANSION.
I feel that those individuals who really play this game are highly affluent to the real resistance, OUR resitance family. If we can build the right bridge they may be quite likely and leave their crazy fraction fight and switch from this niantic google game to our resitance family. We know that they want to get in the KNOW ......AND.....they have the PASSION and energy to action this and expand by ie cleansing, meditation, yoga, you name it! Imagine what would be happening if so many people would be directed to the resitance and choose to convert as family member.... if they would be brought into the know......and if each of them would start expanding... !!!!!

Now, how to hack the came and bring everyone who is playing it in the know? Very easy :) and it can be done without technology and offline:

Seeing that the most critical part of the game has been brought offline and people need to walk around these portals we can apply straight foward and cheap gurillia techniques. Google has no power offline ie on public places where these portals are located. We only need to be creative about it.. We could invent stickers, flyers, etc with team specific messages to catch attention...there should be a landing page (problem: members of the enlightened are probably harder to get due to the similarity of the naming) to get everyone in the KNOW. We could make use of qr codes as everyone is playing with his mobiles...these sticker just need to be sticked on litters, lights, etc and they need to be designed as a "piece of the puzzle" in the ingress game so that the players follow the link and so that they can be sent in the know.

Yeahhh, i like that :) we can make the "game" or better to say "the attempt to prevent people from turning inwards" a complete failure AND SIMULTANIOUSLY HELP a lot of individuals in getting in the know.

I am really looking forward to the feedback on this one :):)

Comment by Sucram on March 1, 2013 at 2:33pm
One of the first note poster in 2012 on the niantic site was "epiphany" which comes from old greek and means manifestation... The structure of the game reminds me of the snake eating its tail. 2 factions / gods ?! fighting each other to gain more power over human minds worshipping them. Would be interesting to find out what gods or kings are behind each faction. So, if there is more to the game then just money, the structure of the game that is planned to be rolled out and manifested looks to me as the same old thing wearing fancy google pants? And this is also the same old trick? In times where awakining takes place such a game subject is a perfect trap to catch a lot of mind units. I think our resistance family should expose the evil behind this game and help people out of it and direct them to our family instead!
@ kyle, i love your thought on how the cells would react if the cells would be invaded by conciousness! Someone worked on this already..if you are interested have a look at the 'Agenda'. 6,000 pages in 13 volumes trace twenty-two years (especially the last thirteen) of the Mother's attempt at the realisation of the supramental being through the divinisation of the body consciousness through the enlightenment of every individual cell - the so-called "cellular mind" capable of restructuring the nature of the body and the laws of physics http://mother-agenda.narod.ru/
Comment by Kyle Channel on March 1, 2013 at 10:00am

@Denise Apparently currently all the portals are at local urban historic spots (and a few at juice chain and rental car company locations), so I don't know about trapping people in existing energy portals (something like ley lines &/or power spots?), unless that is some nefarious planned future idea. I know it sounds too boring but they could easily use this data to create world wide city tour and walking direction apps/services, which they can bundle with their borg glasses to make it seem attractive with unique services no other company could match without this type of data. Most of the population lives in cities supposedly, so this would be an obvious money maker for them, perhaps one of their first major ones. Nokia has a walking maps guiding program they might be starting to compete with. And apparently Microsoft has patents for this type of game/data gathering as well, so it may just be the way the technology game is moving. But as we all know, money isn't really very important in the bigger picture, so they very well may have a totally different intention besides monetization.

On another note, I've thought that perhaps in a weird way, this makes sense on a bigger level. It seems to me like transparency has become the focus of collective human reality as of late, the Resistance seems to be a huge manifestation of that. Wikileaks, and conspiracy awareness as well, the collective seeing more and more of the bigger picture. Wouldn't it make macro/micro sense for transparency to increase on a personal level as well? Not saying this is correct, but I'm still trying to ponder the whole thing from an overhead perspective. Like if you were to become intentionally conscious of each and every of your individual cells, would they interpret it as a privacy invasion (assuming they are a fractal of yourself)?? How could they possibly comprehend your motives, feelings, and doings from the level of a cell?


Comment by Kyle Channel on March 1, 2013 at 9:43am

I'm intrigued, look at the ominous Agreement screen.

Yes I got an invite code, but cannot decide whether the game is benign enough to explore.....I need to learn more about the specifics of the location collection, because as it is google collects my location data whenever I use google maps.

Comment by Denise La Roche on February 28, 2013 at 6:50am

Wholeness. Mystic Fire i agree with you. i am far from understanding the technology of all of this but i was thinking either they were going to have people trapped into portals because the game creators knew they were there or to have them varify portals. The game seems like a whole lot of effort on  googles part just to have some bored people with nothing to do play foolishness. 

Comment by Kevin Wilson on February 28, 2013 at 3:28am
yep put those implants on plug them in and create a visual which creates a placid stupid effect.No will just THE WILL of their Great Invocation Buddy. Bend over and grab the lube:(
Comment by jana on February 28, 2013 at 12:43am

Interesting all of this discussion on technology, the outer manifestation of certain mind's eyes. Yet whose 'eye' do we want to experience life UNDER. Better yet let us manifest under the dream of the organic flow of the most high, the genius 'programmer.' Who dares control an aspect of creation with this android foolishness? Who the %$@(*& wants to trade freedom on this plane so they don't ever have to read a map?! Wake up do we really need a computer much less sophisticated than our own mind to live for us? The external technology has been corralled by the same who poison us daily in all ways. Yes, external tech can be used in astounding ways to uplift life. But life is OUR gift. The organic creations upon this earth, not those only in service to self, should choose whether or not to engage in tech advertised with so much glitter and glam. To ENHANCE us, make us BETTER. EASIER. Do YOU remember asking for this. Do YOU remember looking at your newborn wondering how to make it better?! NO, because it was PERFECT to begin with. Choose life.

Comment by Mystic Fire on February 27, 2013 at 8:17pm

Has anyone considered that both factions within the 'game' (Resistance and Enlightened) are being used to help with the identification and cataloging of portals and the creation of links?  What is the ultimate end goal of this 'game'?

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I'm not touching this software with a ten foot pole.

Comment by Sucram on February 27, 2013 at 3:36pm
replacing questionmarks by dollarsigns is not working too good anymore. In this competetive enviornment google either need to increase quantity or quality to get a premium ie from targeting precision to satisfy shareholder... OR...go for technology!

To me Googles top-level goal of is to control large numbers of “Mind Units"...on a profound level control of large numbers of mu's means revenue for google, but sure there is more about it.

Look what they can do already. They already have powerfull tools that provide insights on how mind units can be predicted so that they can be contolled better:

Check out this web presentation about an interesting element of the google agenda. Sadow states (minute 24) that they are interested to learn how they can better embrace technology which is also why they are rolling out "google consumer surveys". They can better understand human fears around technology. With google consumer surveys they actually want to collect and sell suvey data in exchange for access to premium content. "Yeah dude...you want to read this premim content? No problem, just answer a few questions about yourself and you will get full access...." Imagine how powerfull this can become if they merge the bevhavioural data with survey data on a large scale (its already done on a small scale):



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