This post is by far one of the most important as it shows the sequence of how the one world religion will unfold on the premise of Extraterrestrial Leaders. I have taken the time to enhance the information provided here which is a collaboration of the knowledge of Prince Ray (insearchofthemindcontrolledblackassasin) and myself Sevan (Developer of the Planetary Resistance). This will allow you to see what lurks under the hood of all the happenings of today.


I encourage all people of all colors and creeds to get serious, stop playing games with yourself and life. The Universe just is, so ideas that the Universe thinks and judges and intervenes is fiction. There are many Universes and it is impossible to destroy one totally, even if one part of a Universe is damaged then it will go in to regeneration whole another part will sustain life. 


It is also important for people to realize that Power is not exclusively for good people. In fact most who have a great deal of Power make decisions everyday that do not benefit the masses and further plunge the populace in to oblivion. You must now come out of the child program and realize what is at stake. The laziness of humanity and its unwillingness to learn and truly dedicate themselves to expansion is now manifesting grave results. This year is the Paradigm Shift, nothing will be the same, if there was anytime to be awake, it is now. If you can fully realize and actualize your potential then you will be unconquered, unmovable, and able to sustain those around you. To fail is not an option.





You will not understand any of the unless you know this man, David “Shelley” Miscavige. If you were previously unaware of who he is then you know nothing about the controllers on the physical plane. The individuals involved in the organizations mentioned above, which are affiliated with just about every religious network want to control your mind, body and soul. This is the core idealism behind Religious Technology. 


A silent war has now been decreed. The so-called elite of society feel that the masses are in fact demon possessed and it is for this reason their communities are filled with drugs, violence, immorality etc. The masses now are by the most part unemployed, uneducated, and lazy and the next move must be made. This "next move" of paradigm shift involves a precise plot brewing since ancient times to begin full assimilation of humanity.


Miscavige is the CEO and President of Religious Technology Center (RTC) a corporation that controls the trademarked names and symbols of Dianetics and the Church of Scientology. David Miscavige, DIANETICS, and Church of Scientology have a plan to save humanity from themselves Of course what they claim tobe saving humanity from is something they are perpetuating and this has a lot to do with Demons, Devils, and Intradimensional Entities. They know all about Demons and Devils as you will soon see.




As we speak, The Church of Scientology is shifting the paradigm of Black Nationalism as we have known it in this country.  Unbeknown to many, Miscavige and the Church of Scientology have been getting into the heads of Minister Louis Farrakhan and members of the Nation of Islam all along. It is also a fact the Minister Farrakhan was not supposed to be the leader of the Nation of Islam. Wariff Dean Muhammad, Elijah Muhammads 7th son was chosen to fulfill the position but when he spoke out against his father's incessant racism and went more in the stead of the message of Malcolm X the movement began to split in to two factions.


In my personal life I have spoken with a few people that were actually there during this time including my mother. It was clear to everyone that Farrakhan was not even the leader type and was very timid and shy, however, it was obviously the CIA's intention to put someone who could be manipulated in the seat of power of controlling black consciousness in America in organized religions outside of Christianity. So it became priority to make sure Farrakhan arose as the victor in gaining favoritism of the people and many events were staged to make that happen.



Scientology’s Shane Woodruff, VP of the Church of Scientology addresses the Nation of Islam (NOI) and congratulates them on achieving their first goal of 1,000 Certified Hubbard Dianetics Auditors. "Those auditors who have received their Gold Seals as permanent auditors received a Gold lapel pin identifying them with that special designation as their proud friends and families watched and cheered as their names were read." These people are ignorant because there leader has instructed them to be as such.


Scientology is now blatantly joining forces with Minister Louis Farrakhan and the NOI this is an extremely bold and provocative move by the Illuminati in revealing their clutches on organized movements such as these.



Another NOI member a Mr. Tony Muhammad is the Nation of Islam’s Western Region Student Minister. He has been one of the main catalyst to bring the Church of Scientology and Dianetics into the NOI. According to Tony Muhammad, “L Ron Hubbard was a saint and an angelic figure sent to us by the ... he continues “You literally have one thousand individuals who are empowered with the ability to give sight to the blind, make the lame walk, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, the dead to rise. They literally are now armed with the tool that when somebody is in a traumatic experience they can give a pleasure moment or they can run an engram or they can run a situation and relieve the person of that re-stimulation, that mental fix that has caused them to be insane with aberrations and mental pain. That’s really what being and following God is all about and that’s really the power of the Christ.” Rev. Alfreddie Johnson, liaison between the Nation of Islam and the Church of Scientology." 


According to the Chirch of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard (LRH), what holds people back from getting the most out of life and functioning at their highest levels is emotionally or physically painful experiences that remain stored in the reactive mind. These experiences are called engrams. They don’t go away on their own, causing individuals to worry about the future in such a way that it limits their effectiveness in the present.





The grand daddy of MK ULTRA was the Office of Naval Intelligence’s (ONI) classified and still TOP SECRET 1947 Project CHATTER straight out of the Nazi DACHAU Concentration Camp. L. Ron Hubbard was ONI. He was very high up in the ONI chain of command. He was deeply involved in much more than Projects CHATTER and BLUEBIRD Manchurian Candidate Project.


Dr. West and the CIA were concerned about LRH’s private use of hypnotism in the church’s auditing process from Classified and Top Secret information gained through ONI’s Rabbit Hole of Spying and Espionage prior to the creation of the CIA.


I will continue this on another post which will have Scientology as its primary topic. Share this with as many as you can.

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Comment by Ayla Jones on July 6, 2012 at 10:19am

Like Sevan says-we are whole.  Not to be a doomsayer but there is little chance that she is going 'to get away' after bearing a child for Tom Cruise who imagines himself to be the savior of the world.  He punishes his only family members for minor fractions.  He requires journalists to watch a two-hour Scientology video before he grants interviews.  He paid Katie for delivering his child.  Do you sincerely think he is going to allow Katie to raise Suri all by herself.  I've seen the girl with the red slippers Dorothy wears in the Wizard of Oz.  Mind-controlled sex slaves are triggered by that story.  The Wizard of Oz is full of clues, symbols and messages. I could write a post on that.

Comment by Ayla Jones on July 6, 2012 at 10:01am

Interesting Mike, Samuel and Todd.  Clues are to be found in language, symbols, anything vibratory, really.  As far as Tom Cruise is concerned (not his real name) he has an intimate relationship with the evil dwarf Miscavige who-according to inside reports-simply took over by signing a document.  They poisoned LRHubbard and kicked his family out.  In December 1986 I happened to be in LA during an announcement of the Church.  They put on a tape with LRH's voice wishing his people a happy new year.  What a joke. The voice was totally different; it turned out later that he had been dead for months. 

The original technology has some very interesting observations in it that are useful.  However, now it is impossible to determine what works or what doesn't due to Miscavige;s alterations.  Unfortunately, initially auditing works, that's the mousetrap for beginners.  After that, bright individuals get stymied and used if they don't get out.  Tom Cruise tried to do that in the nineties but they wouldn't let him go.  He and his wife and child are prime examples of brainwashed zombies with handlers (to me).  Travolta cannot get out either!  I met him once, a nice guy, but naive and scared.  I tested him on a few things to which he did not respond, telling me that he was just another gopher (go-for) for the Church.

Comment by Samuel Adam Alder on July 5, 2012 at 10:42pm

Mar-I-Ti(e)me admirality law... 

scientology... the navy/navi... 

I'm sick of them... Disgusting Schemes.

Sometimes you need to get a scratch to avoid getting a whole chunk torn out of you though, that scratch is this,

Wholeness and Balance everyone.

Comment by Ayla Jones on July 5, 2012 at 5:13pm

Hi Mike,  Hubbard comes from a naval background.  After financial success with Dianetics and Scientology he created a large group of followers  decked out in naval uniforms, children included, who sailed with him on a ship.  He had them sign a document stating they would support the cause for the next billion years.  If you are familiar with aliens esp. reptilians then you know that their spiritual progression takes about that amount of time...ha,ha.  Guess who runs the 'Church'?  Many countries did not want to have anything to do with him so he stayed out at sea.  They are totally indoctrinated slaves totally dedicated to the leader.  However, there is ample comparison with Americans or any nationality where the minions identify with their respective leaders in government displaying a hive mentality and mindset imo.

Comment by Ayla Jones on July 5, 2012 at 1:49pm

I am with you there, Sevan.  Interestingly, some of Hubbard's technology formed the baseline for a long-time quest I did in my forties.  I always have to test everything before I know whether it has value for my current incarnation or not.  It enabled me to perceive the behavior pattern of the NWO proponents.  I wrote a draft for a book on it in the early nineties but almost got myself killed twice by them.  Still have my notes.  Then I got deported from the States for sabotaging (whistle-blowing) a maneuver Bush, Sr. wanted to make: dumping nuclear waste in an unsafe area.  Ha,ha..for that reason I have been quiet for a while.  Would like to join you soon in Costa Rica, if possible.

Comment by The Cosmic Tree on July 5, 2012 at 1:44pm

Huffington Post and time magazine have  done some articles recently on Florida Public Schools a charter online school that Scientology uses to recruit economically challenged school leavers. It is my understanding that this group and others have developed their own  K-12 curriculum and actively recruit online via FB and Twitter. -  

Joy Joy Joy.    

$cientology's successful business model "helps"  people get  educational loans, some of which goes to feed and house the student  but most goes to books and tuition.   The loan cannot be discharged through bankruptcy and is therefore easy to get because by taking these loans you are enslaved to debt for the 

rest of your life. 

This system - is of course is the same as our  "higher" education system.  Credible information indicates the amount of student loan debt  is 1 trillion  and now exceeds the amount of credit card debt in the united states.  Have the educators stopped to think about the effect a system that preys on its young has on a species.  

Public or private,  any organization or person that exploits people in this manner is on my hit list. 

A public charter school in Clearwater, Fla. is being accused of using methods of Scientology in educating students.

An in-depth report by the Tampa Bay Timesexamines the various aspects of the Life Force Arts and Technology Academy that are reportedly heavily influenced by Scientology, including school field trips, teacher training tactics and "study technology," an educational system designed by Scientology's late founder, L. Ron Hubbard.

Life Force opened in 2007, but was struggling financially by 2009 despite receiving an annual $800,000 in public funds. That's when Hana Islam of California's World Literacy Crusade stepped in with one of her businesses, the Art of management, to "save the school" with "no intentions of taking over," the Times reports. Efforts by the Pinellas County School District to close the school have been thwarted because the school is under bankruptcy protection.


Comment by Sevan Bomar on July 5, 2012 at 11:44am

Wow @Ayla, amazing how things come full circle. 

Comment by Ayla Jones on July 5, 2012 at 11:00am

Great post, it resonates with me as I had the opportunity to get an insider's look at this so-called Church of Scientology in the early eighties.  I resisted having anything to do with them but as a spirit-driven incarnation my Higher Self decided I should be on the fringes of this outfit.  Studying and observing the micro-cosmos of the world of Scientology provided me with deep insights on how the NWO functions at large. Be assured that there are NO awakened people inside the outfit, on the contrary.  I entered as a 'natural clear' -their terminology, and ended up having to pay hundreds of dollars to hear how 'that was not possible'.  When confirmed by their E-meter, I was approached by Sea Org members who wanted me to become LRHubbard's personal cook.  What a laugh!  That way I would have been completely indoctrinated by their intimidation techniques disguised as 'communication.  If interested, I can elaborate on my experiences.  Saying no to the leader earned me the status of outcast for which I am grateful. 


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