Today alone in the void, I heard the sound of crying although I thought myself to be its source I felt no tears, nor pain, nor sorrow simply a gentle weeping from within.  I know not if it was shame …

Today alone in the void, I heard the sound of crying although I thought myself to be its source I felt no tears, nor pain, nor sorrow simply a gentle weeping from within.  I know not if it was shame or guilt or pain from some part of me that I cannot control, but this crying comes anytime I try to reflect upon myself, and where I want to be, or for that fact who I want to be. I apologize for my first blog to simply be nothing more than a random musing but I thought it may be worth sharing.  This phantom weeping from within.  No sorrow, just empty.


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Comment by aurora campos on August 29, 2011 at 7:41am
thats awesome myrian. it simply never occurred 2 me i might b hearing some form of myself
Comment by aurora campos on August 28, 2011 at 9:19pm
mines definately seems from people suffering mightily in other planes and it comes with ALOT of emotion attached
Comment by aurora campos on August 28, 2011 at 9:18pm
dude i've been hearing the crying 4 YEARS!!!!  sometimes its terrifying, sometimes just sad. i have learned 2 distract myself so i dont get consumed by it....
Comment by Carol abernethy on August 24, 2011 at 11:50am
Crying is like rain; it can wash away pain.  In the relaxation after pain is washed away, we see the light shining soft, sometimes pale and gentle, sometimes hot and strong.  Alone is a hard place but it can be a pure place, a retreat to establish balance.
Comment by Joshua on August 23, 2011 at 1:51am

How can you hear a sound in the void with no air? It is alright my friend. I like how your name is Derek O'Cain, first thing I saw was Direct OK.


what does this experience mean to you? Don't be so hard on yourself, and surely don't apologize because you are experiencing levels of emotion most beings have long forgotten. Rejoice, and be present in whatever you are experiencing. Wholeness.


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