My souls song is 2 know u are there 2 sing with me beloved~ Its an honor always SiStar <3 Love you~ I rock, U Roll... Beautiful One ~ Enchanted & always huge smiles 2 hear from u ~ xoxoxox
ANGEL NAMES were simply symmetry turn instructions for how to cookie cut biology's magnetics into black holes. Literally, the Angel Names are the symmetry turns for light bodies to squirt into time. These letters were the actual glyphs used to make the movie Stargate. This is how the Ophanim Angels become light bodies incubating black holes through stars. This is also how people can become stars, as perfect embedding permits. (Nest into a membrane then steer it.) The Greek alphabet (geometry letter number values) was the key to the puzzle. To be a star you have to make gravity (centering fractal attractive force) for yourself in your own heart. When the DNA implodes with the hearts sonic ponytail (braiding algorithm) embedding makes the gravity we use to slingshot ourselves from heart of plane to the sun to the stars.
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Wholeness to you!Namaste,
My souls song is 2 know u are there 2 sing with me beloved~ Its an honor always SiStar <3 Love you~ I rock, U Roll... Beautiful One ~ Enchanted & always huge smiles 2 hear from u ~ xoxoxox