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Keoki's Page

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At 4:14pm on March 23, 2017, Keoki said…
I wanted to express my gratitude for the effort and sacrifice that Sevan and the Resistance Family has shared with the world.

I have been seeking for answers since I was a teenager in the late eighties and early nineties fueled in a large part by my mother's involvement in New Age Courses and the passing of my biological father when I was eight and of whom I never met.

The sense of a loss that could never be regained and the exposure to the spiritual aspects of this life helped to set up inside me a deep motivation to understand what life is really about. The adults around me could not offer adequate answers to the deep questions and often I was told that the deep questions were unknowable. This was not acceptable for me, I didn't see the point in being here if the answers were unobtainable.

So I set off on my own and started to slowly accumulate knowledge. This was well before the Internet and books from the library or my mother were the only port of call. My method of research has not really changed since then onlt the access has become more readily available. I would trust my inuition to lead me to a book or be blessed with a conversation with someone and start to make connections.

I have absolutely loved listening to the Esoteric Radio sessions as they have significantly added to my overall understanding of the larger picture and consolidated and verified conclusions and theories I have made from my years of researching and shifting through the vast array to conflicting viewpoints, stories and agendas I have collected.

I used to think that because a master never appeared that I was not ready and it was only recently that I have innerstood (Sevan, your decoding of the English language and creation of new words is brilliant!) that in a sense the master has always been within me, guiding me gently from viewpoint to veiwpoint from story to story and patiently waiting while I start putting knowledge into practice.

I am grateful, truly grateful for the precious gifts of knowledge you have bestowed upon us all. I look forward to experiencing exisitence on ever more refined and purified perception. To see this wonderful world be liberated as the old fear based system is dismantled and a courage love based collaboration of consciousness replaces it.

Once again thank you sincerely Wholeness and balance to you all indeed.


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