Sacred Sounds and Music


Sacred Sounds and Music

Everything is Vibration; All that exists Vibrates. 

All Atoms, Electrons, Protons, Adams and Eves, all Matter Vibrates. Vibe R8s; The rates of vibration are key to understanding what is holding you and me back, or forward; in the future or the past, stopping us from enjoying the blessings of the present moment: Now.

The Sacred Cymatic Patterns which create the shells which all life resides within: 

^ as seen in this turtle shell.

"In the beginning was the word And the word was with 'God' And the word WAS 'God' "

So the saying goes. And now it has been proven true. So what are we going to do?

This group is dedicated to investigating and utilizing Sounds and the musical talent we have present here at the resistance, for beneficial purposes and our combined ascension. 

Techniques for healing, quickening, loosening, tightening, generally resonating at the particular place which will be most conducive to your balance and continued development, are listed here, as well as the interdisciplinary cross-sections of music, poetry, mc'ing, improvisation, sound, geometry, maths, physics and the spirit. 

Members: 209
Latest Activity: Jun 6, 2019

Discussion Forum

Deeper understanding of sounds for better music 9 Replies

Wholeness brothers and sisters, first off I want to introduce myself. My name is Will Badie but musically I go by the name of Cyte. I consider myself a hip hop lyricist. I feel like I have to differentiate between a lyricist and a regular rapper…Continue

Tags: sound

Started by Will Badie. Last reply by Will Badie Jan 17, 2015.

Questions as to where bands derive there names and lyrics and deeper messages and or hidden symbology 2 Replies

Wholeness and balance everyone! My question is about the message and the deeper meaning of names,lyrics, and symbols of bands with sort of"cult" followings such as Wu-tang Clan or The Grateful Dead? Anyone that can elaborate with whatever insight…Continue

Tags: Grateful, Dead, Wu-tang, clan, phychadelics

Started by James Michael Schroeder. Last reply by Anna Ruth Porter Oct 28, 2014.

Boosting frequency with esoteric music and visionary art

For your viewing and hearing pleasure, this is an audio-visual mix I did for whenever we feel the need for a boost in our frequency. I hope the parts involved won't mind since there is no other intention besides taking the body, mind and spirit on a…Continue

Started by Ahein Aug 28, 2014.

To The Resistance

I want to dedicate this work to The Resistance. A Track I've been on for about 8 months with some breaks. It has the story of my life in it since the primordials to seeing multiple universes where things fall and from dust a new one starts existing.…Continue

Started by Ahein Jun 12, 2014.

Shamanism and the Transformative Power of Drum Meditation

“Shamanism is not a religion. It’s a method. And when this method is practiced with humility, reverence and self-discipline, the shaman’s path can become a way of life.” – Hank WesselmanThe wise make one lifetime into many; the many make one…Continue

Started by Tettrah Mar 5, 2014.

Collections of music to up lift and help shift... post yours here! 24 Replies

While I do have a lot of plans and Things on my mind for this group,I thought it would also be nice to just compile and post music that makes you feel the most,alive and... drives you to here, let me begin posting some Musicians and…Continue

Tags: Craft, Draft, Raft, ArCHItecture, Art

Started by Samuel Adam Alder. Last reply by flYonlion eYezonzion Jul 21, 2013.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Karrade on October 4, 2012 at 8:56am

Seriously ladies and gents, have a listen :) if you like the faster paced 432hz music

I want to license this man! Definitely a future goal for this quality of production.

Comment by Samuel Adam Alder on September 22, 2012 at 8:38am

Nice comments, 

i think, people can also be persuaded of the significance of the planets at their time of birth, if and when they remember that, the sounds and constellations of the planets were very different at the time they were born, and each thing in existence sends out a ripple to effect each and every other thing.

then again, if the truth of their birth chart doesn't strike them, one wonders what will

the harmony of the spheres... :D 

Comment by Du@Ly.Plane0 on September 19, 2012 at 2:02pm

Where by; It is said and commonly known. That "creation" emerged from being "sung" as relative to spoken. Hence all* is vibrations and initial wave forms!

Comment by Du@Ly.Plane0 on September 16, 2012 at 11:26am

This discussion will address the tendencies of rhetoric. For all intensive purposes...language as a utility; Is for the manifesting of "higher" power. The descent of the (language; whereby tones [as in music] are more pure) and words according to ones belief system and intent through "emotions" release adverse intentions and through causal (intentional or unintentional) effects are the results cast into the dimension.
   For instance. One can listen to a speaking event and obtain information and it reason to their psyche, but it be false - however the tones used; Are commonly excepted as adequate and the truth (in that cultural language or tongue) as it is known. This sets paradigm, and furthers the human descent. As an example - English is a world dialect. But the newest formed language in existence, and with many ambiguous terms and "off" hand meanings. It also is derived mostly of Latin terms (chosen Satanic tongue) and excerpts of a mixture of other dialects with use of great emotional undertones*. For instance in English scripture; God says, let there be light? If English was not around, and a pure omnipresent being is not capable of in-pure thought. How can can a language be spoken or even expressed in terms of a lowered understanding process, used to convey feelings or to decipher for solution...Impossible! So it is not even relative.
   In this case the actual sounds that invoked creation (where the word crystal is derived from. Tying the astral phenomena to the pineal through event) KRYSTHLA cymatically spoken in fruition as vibrations used at creation to manifest origin. Are 7 core audible tones of kA ~ RA ~ YA ~ SA ~ TA ~ HA ~ LA original sounds in perspective for purpose* and of course without rhetoric!


Members (208)



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