Sacred Sounds and Music


Sacred Sounds and Music

Everything is Vibration; All that exists Vibrates. 

All Atoms, Electrons, Protons, Adams and Eves, all Matter Vibrates. Vibe R8s; The rates of vibration are key to understanding what is holding you and me back, or forward; in the future or the past, stopping us from enjoying the blessings of the present moment: Now.

The Sacred Cymatic Patterns which create the shells which all life resides within: 

^ as seen in this turtle shell.

"In the beginning was the word And the word was with 'God' And the word WAS 'God' "

So the saying goes. And now it has been proven true. So what are we going to do?

This group is dedicated to investigating and utilizing Sounds and the musical talent we have present here at the resistance, for beneficial purposes and our combined ascension. 

Techniques for healing, quickening, loosening, tightening, generally resonating at the particular place which will be most conducive to your balance and continued development, are listed here, as well as the interdisciplinary cross-sections of music, poetry, mc'ing, improvisation, sound, geometry, maths, physics and the spirit. 

Members: 209
Latest Activity: Jun 6, 2019

Discussion Forum

Deeper understanding of sounds for better music 9 Replies

Wholeness brothers and sisters, first off I want to introduce myself. My name is Will Badie but musically I go by the name of Cyte. I consider myself a hip hop lyricist. I feel like I have to differentiate between a lyricist and a regular rapper…Continue

Tags: sound

Started by Will Badie. Last reply by Will Badie Jan 17, 2015.

Questions as to where bands derive there names and lyrics and deeper messages and or hidden symbology 2 Replies

Wholeness and balance everyone! My question is about the message and the deeper meaning of names,lyrics, and symbols of bands with sort of"cult" followings such as Wu-tang Clan or The Grateful Dead? Anyone that can elaborate with whatever insight…Continue

Tags: Grateful, Dead, Wu-tang, clan, phychadelics

Started by James Michael Schroeder. Last reply by Anna Ruth Porter Oct 28, 2014.

Boosting frequency with esoteric music and visionary art

For your viewing and hearing pleasure, this is an audio-visual mix I did for whenever we feel the need for a boost in our frequency. I hope the parts involved won't mind since there is no other intention besides taking the body, mind and spirit on a…Continue

Started by Ahein Aug 28, 2014.

To The Resistance

I want to dedicate this work to The Resistance. A Track I've been on for about 8 months with some breaks. It has the story of my life in it since the primordials to seeing multiple universes where things fall and from dust a new one starts existing.…Continue

Started by Ahein Jun 12, 2014.

Shamanism and the Transformative Power of Drum Meditation

“Shamanism is not a religion. It’s a method. And when this method is practiced with humility, reverence and self-discipline, the shaman’s path can become a way of life.” – Hank WesselmanThe wise make one lifetime into many; the many make one…Continue

Started by Tettrah Mar 5, 2014.

Collections of music to up lift and help shift... post yours here! 24 Replies

While I do have a lot of plans and Things on my mind for this group,I thought it would also be nice to just compile and post music that makes you feel the most,alive and... drives you to here, let me begin posting some Musicians and…Continue

Tags: Craft, Draft, Raft, ArCHItecture, Art

Started by Samuel Adam Alder. Last reply by flYonlion eYezonzion Jul 21, 2013.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Sacred Sounds and Music to add comments!

Comment by seedguardian on January 22, 2014 at 5:11pm

Wholeness Group! Gracias para todos! I would like to share one of my favorites...

Tibetan Singing Bowls and Native American Flute Concert

 Live Performance July 8th 2012 at Halo Healing Center in Meriden Ct. Emile de Leon: Tibetan Singing Bowls & Percussion, Froc Filipetti: Native American Flutes & Guitar.

Comment by flYonlion eYezonzion on July 21, 2013 at 2:09pm

I just want to share some good melodic dubstep and chill step with you all :

Comment by R-MORE on June 3, 2013 at 8:18pm

I am going to the mountains to sing, play, and make music with Mother Earth, the universe, and close friends. Reconnect with that stream of energy that connects us all to heal and allow the waves wash over me and fine tune my universal instruments.    

Comment by Samuel Adam Alder on May 27, 2013 at 11:16am

So glad everyone's enjoying the ride :)

I'd like to add two artists i recently re-discovered, who awaken something which makes me more whole, within my self, hope they do the same for you.

Zack Hemsy: "I'll find a way" 

and "Elephant Revival": "Go On" 

I also made some music a while ago for the talent quest, I feel like I really went for it, and cleared a whole house hold of old emotions out, and let in the new, with this song. 

all the best to all of you! Wholeness

Comment by Dylan Cornell on May 27, 2013 at 6:48am
Glad to be a member of this group. Right before I found this website I wrote an ep of meditation music called Theater of Mind.
Comment by Karrade on May 9, 2013 at 7:05am

apologies some of that doubled up from other wall posts, its a post i just put together for a CHEE conscious group but it should help those new to the concept get a bearing on harmonic frequency

Comment by Karrade on May 9, 2013 at 7:04am

Something more upbeat from me :)

528hz radio finally! 528hz goes as deep as you want to study it.
Like anything it covers multiple disciplines. 

Here is 440hz vs 432hz water

Here is for example the effect on water of say emotion, another frequency you can emit at any time.
Here is water memory, couple that with the above innerstanding and you'll see that you can constantly effect what you are drinking and indeed most of your body at any moment.

Deeper study, 528hz - An aspect or direction of the torus of creation, time and our understanding of it. It more naturally integrates us with universal consciousness instead of the smear in time we inhabit (a wedge of time I personally call it, that we sustain at massive energy cost).

Comment by REG,Fn. Howard on March 9, 2013 at 6:08pm

I ran across this video today while looking for some good meditation music, and I knew I had to share it with all of you meditation music lovers. Enjoy the wonderful visuals and go around the world in 2hrs.

Comment by jun perez on February 8, 2013 at 9:21pm

the discoveries by the biophysicist Russian Peter Gariaev et al, on the DNA prove the ancient belief that Light and Sound has profound impact. it concludes that the DNA and human body is basiscally electro-magnetic and acoustic not chemical (the effect is)
this means that the DNA can be reprogramed literally by light and sound, proviced, the use of strictly hard science parameters is implemented. like right acoustic and light frequencies with a subtle energy "carriers". solitonic, tachyonic amd scalar waves are believe to be the communication mediums that can deliver acoustic and light signals that the DNA could respond thus may cause such desired changes/program to be projected holographically by the DNA. Check out Gariaev Group.

Comment by Karrade on February 2, 2013 at 11:38am

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