This is the group we are developing together to tune up and activate our Chakras.
Creating a regime from experience, NO PLACEBOS!
Our Energy centres which, collectively and individually, are charging, so let's continue to accelerate and find the right frequencies.
Mudras, Meditation, Yoga, Alchemy and altered states of consciousness induced through whichever methods, for breaking through blockages and disabilities...
restricting you from accessing the divine template of your humanity, are going to be revealed here.
In short: Healing.
If you feel drawn to this work please contribute your wisdom, time, energy and knowledge, they will go far and be appreciated.
Location: Innerverse
Members: 102
Latest Activity: Sep 17, 2015
Work in progress! For now, I will let this image speak:
Started by Samuel Adam Alder. Last reply by Asia Wilcox Sep 13, 2014.
Started by Ahein Jul 3, 2014.
Started by Samuel Adam Alder. Last reply by Mr. Spirit Matter Apr 14, 2014.
Katjek - I am very late but I would advise seeking a professional, who knows the skeletal structure and energy work or chakras.
Tentatively, trying leaning your neck back and stretching your arms out, but only if there is no pain at all. See my first advice if there is, and ask them. If you apply breath of fire in this position, with the arms helped out, I like to sit on my knee's while doing so with legs underneath me, but crossed legged works okay. This will relieve tension/worry and fear which is usual stored on the neck. It can be a bit much if you have a lot there, even without the injury, so take it steady.
Another of course is neck rolls:
Here is a quick brain balancing set, from Sarah at Yoga Today, showing you them.
Other than that, there is self massage like Dian Tian
Which applies whatever energy you can raise to the hands, and then to the body.
Linking the kabbalah to kundalini yoga, and giving you more innerstanding of the subtle energy channels, male and female etc. The expansion and contraction.
The Serpent and the Green Tree by James N Judd
Hope it helps.
We have to train our bodies to think of unity. Our thinking effects the direction of life. The aggressives think a lot and are driven to their goals and to establish unity we must think and move forward so we can move the planet to harmony.
There is a way to concentrate the electromagnetic forces of neodemio. Bronze, Silver, Copper, nickle and zirconius crystal which captures the biggest part of light.
will soon be added to my videos.
The labrinth helps clear the cellular memory to atune to the vibration of unity.
has movements and images. We naturally link up with groups of 13 and the energy will radiate through us into the world, no matter where we are or in a group of 13 we gather together.
It is amazing the energy that get when my chakras are tuned and centered! What a beautiful universe we are all a part of.
from the wiki page:
Vishuddha may be understood as relating to communication and growth through expression. This chakra is paralleled to the thyroid, a gland that is also in the throat and which produces thyroid hormone, responsible for growth and maturation. Physically, Vishuddha governs communication, emotionally it governs independence, mentally it governs fluent thought, and spiritually, it governs a sense of security.[31] In Tibetan buddhism, this chakra is red, with 16 upward pointing petals. It plays an important role in Dream Yoga, the art of lucid dreaming.
so this is something I have had to work on quite extensively over the past few years. my throat chakra has been tested quite thoroughly and I have to put more work into getting it back into proper alignment i have been in a car accident that gave me whiplash that affects my neck and also I used to sleep on my stomach which also gave me a sore neck on one side. but as i learned to stop being overly passive and communicate and be more honest with myself and those around me things are started to lighten up a bit. I have had to go through a lot of acupuncture and massage therapy to help relieve the tension that has built up around my neck area for quite some time. but i guess it just comes from focusing on a holistic approach, each chakra is connected to the other so for example the throat chakra has to do with communication but obviously for communication you need a strong inner will (3rd chakra) and even for that you need a strong sense of security (1st chakra). so i hope you are on the way to feeling better and that you may recover from some of those serious injuries that you have described.
Hi Katjek, I can't help with that specific problem except like this: Remember what caused it and then undo that cause.
Whenever I injure myself (and all injuries are "self"-inflicted), I reverse what I injured myself with, Usually a word, a thought a feeling. Hope this helps and you can make it part of your daily chakra-progression! :D
I was just wondering, does anyone know a way to engage in relieving tension in the neck as i have a neck injury it is the cervical bone between 4-5 ad 6-7 vertebrae with a osteo phyte that is pinching the nerve, as weakness and pain is radiating down my right side , (visiting a cranio-sacral therapist already for this witch relieves it in some extent) , does it influence the throat chakra and is there another way to channel energy around it to get the energy properly flowing.
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