The Ultimate Super Food(Accesing The Light Code From The Source)

Technically This isnt a Food But it's Definitly A source of Nutrition as Well as Energy! and if you saw the Post By Dr Phil Valentine then you have here Now your answer on how to download The Light Code and Evolve right on Schedule!..Dun dun Dunnnnnn..Our Very Own SUN!

This here is the link to A Sun Gazing Website that'll give you Pretty much everything you need to know about The Sun Gazing Process. I personally am about 11:30seconds of staring directly into the sun and absorbing its Energy.I'm Well, Both Mentally and Physically and my Awareness is shooting up Everyday it's truly a beautiful process watching your hunger go away, only to be filled with Light, love and Energy. To Me this Is truly The Super Food of them all. Straight from the Source you cant beat it. No chemicals No Preservatives no pills, No Shakes, No Artificial Flavors and most importantly NO KILLING. Only pure Energy!..Wholness is Upon Us 

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This is technically "food"!  I think Alim Bey also suggests that we can be seen as "light vampires"....

lol Yea I guess it is like being a light vampire! You definitely do Plug In and once you're really in tune you'll feel the energy actually fill you as if you're eating...

Indeed.  The sun can supercharge.  Sometimes I'm awake for quite a while after gazing.  Thank you for referencing the website. It's interesting what is stated about the eyes and the brain as a supercomputer. 



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