Wholeness brothers and sisters, first off I want to introduce myself. My name is Will Badie but musically I go by the name of Cyte. I consider myself a hip hop lyricist. I feel like I have to differentiate between a lyricist and a regular rapper with dreams of chart climbing success. You can check my music out here http://cyte87.bandcamp.com/album/progression ,let me know how you feel about it. In any case, I sample a lot of music from the 60's and 70's because a lot of the vibrations have always soothed my soul. I also like to rap over live instrumentation. My spiritual process has taken me to a place where I've come to realize that I have to attain a better understanding of the functions of sound and their effects on the human body and the universe at large for that matter. So if anybody could point me in the right direction to begin my study of sound it would be much appreciated. Hip hop culture itself is a spiritual expression when removed from its commercialization. I believe in the ability of the music to transmute a person from a particular state of mind to a more inspired and productive state. I don't care about being rich or anything, I simply want to help my brothers and sisters through this thing as much as possible, so thank you for your time and I look forward to talking to you if you have any suggestions or anything. Keep them vibes high.

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Always good to connect with fellow musicians. Welcome. Here's something to start with, enjoy =)


Thank you very much for the link Ahein, I look forward to checking it out, where can I find your music?

There's only some of it here https://soundcloud.com/sugudependente

the rest is scattered across my hard drives.

Not really your genre though. I'm more into the technical side of electronic digital producing, and not so much into the vocal crafts. But I like to hear some hip hop once in a while when the lyrics are not always about the negative side of life but inspiring, intellectual and hopeful. Here's some example: https://vimeo.com/92835260


I got a chance to listen to your soundcloud page, it was really energetic and I definitely dug it. I also got to check out that movie and it was right up my alley. People have actually told me that I should do spoken word instead of rap, I imagine I'll try it one day, but in any case, thanks for sharing.

You're welcome and thank you for listening. Yeah that documentary is great I knew it would resonate with you :)

I wish you a great start of 2015 brother.

Joined this group so I could comment on the musical art you two posted. Much talent I injoyed the listen! Cyte--are the instruments in the background you? A band? good stuff intuitive in the lyric. Wholeness

Hello Jana, thank you for checking my music out, it really does mean the world to me. I'm glad that you injoyed the lyrical content and as I move on in my spiritual journey my rhymes are definitely becoming much more focused on communicating the words of my highest self. The instrumentals on those 2 projects were provided by my man Cult Choir, you can check his stuff out here cultchoir.bandcamp.com . I'm working on a new solo project now and I hope to have it out sometime in Spring. But again, thanks alot for listening. Wholeness

Listened to the Cult Choir album. Got sucked in at the first song, Hours and listened to whole thing while doing my work notes :) Very talented good enough to purchase fo sho. Reminds me of some of the alternative stuff I have been into over the years. Gratitude for the share. Interesting art on the page as well.

thanks for checking him out, I know he appreciates it. he's very talented, he plays all the instruments he records over and he draws a lot of his artwork.



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