~6:00 AM - Dream log. 

I woke up in somewhat of a daze and started scribbling the dream into my  dream journal.  I could barely remember what happened, but I did managed to take down the main events that happen in the dream.  

I have been having recurring dreams with some members of the resistance playing key roles in them:


Sevan was in my dream...lately he's been appearing in my dreams as a teacher and a speaker...(well1 what else is new...lol)

To sum it up.. Sevan was sitting inside a radio booth, speaking on the air waves.   Eventually, the discussion got very intense..to the point where James stood up and started yelling into the microphone: ...something on the lines of how four years ago people didn't have access to certain information..now everything is out of the bag, and this "thing" can't be stop.  

*It was a pretty epic scene lol, that's all I have to say about that.

Eventually the scene of the dream changed, and for some reason I found myself in a Church. 

I saw Pablo (Mr.Spirit.Matter) at the by the window holding a baby in his hands.  My friend Asher (who's also a resistance member) was speaking to him, and they were having a conversation about life, children and how things were really good etc...honestly the baby seemed to be MSM's son, because he had the BIGGEST SMILE on his face - this light was just shining on him the whole time.  Was pretty cool.


~6:10AM - Tea Time

I felt like inducing a lucid dream, and I figured perhaps I could get more insight to the events that were taking place.

I went down stairs and made some Holy Basil Tea...then logged onto you my computer to check some of my messages.  

I logged onto youtube and noticed some videos by Santos Bonnaci, so decided to give those a watch to pass the time before going back to sleep.

After watching a few vids, I felt like it was time to go back to bed and induce the dream.  

~6:45 AM Intention & Meditation

One "technique" I use is setting an intention, while meditating with binaural beats.  

I used a track from this album:  

Click here: Torrent

I sat down for about 20 min, setting an intention of what want to experience in the dream:

While sitting in a meditative state, imagined attending a kind of DREAM/ASTRAL school located in the middle of the ocean - like something out of "Dragonball - the Kame House"

I was just imagining us just flying around having a good time, sleeping in hammocks, and just having fun learning about dreamlife...astrallife etc... We were all flying around the sky, with the sun setting, like I said, just having a good time: 

Who needs machines when we have access to the DREAM! :)

~7:10-15ish AM

I went back to sleep, only this time I set up a little mat to sleep on.  It's about the size of a yoga mat, and I like to use that space as my dream area to induce dreams.  

While falling a sleep I usually just make sure my last thought before going to sleep coincides with my intention for the dream.  


I noticed I was in the dream because I was sitting up on the mat with this huge backpack on my back.  Just to check, I did few reality checks, such as sliding my fingers through my palms.

I didn't exactly have complete control, as I felt like I was channel surfing.  I would just think of a place or an event, then I would just get there.  There's so much information coming into the dream, that at times you really have to focus yourself.  

Eventually, after regaining some control over the dream, II took off right away and began to soar through the clouds.  

 I ended up just flying around certain areas, forests, trees.  Eventually I flew over a "ballin" area, and got a bird's eye view of a bunch of Mansions: 

I saw a pretty cool house, so I decided to check out the area and go for a little hike.  

I decided to run around the area for a while.... I remember during that moment I was in a state of awe, because the dream was so real, it was as if I was in waking life -  I remember touching brick walls, and just running around the area and feeling the wind.

I was having such a blast that I ended up losing focus, and the scene of the dream shifted.

I started to get this funny feeling in between my teeth.  Like my teeth were getting wider.  I wasn't painful, but it felt really strange, like an electric shock at the front of your mouth. Felt like my teeth were getting pulled out, and just stretching.  It was as though flood gates opened up, and I was releasing a bunch fluid from the teeth area - felt like it was some kind of negative energy just coming out of my body.

Suddenly, were a bunch of flashes, that looked like characters of symbols that flashed through my vision really quickly,  the flashes of light kind of looked like something out of an anime - @ 12 sec:

I had this idea that I needed to explore my hidden fears...  I felt as though I had to enter the "underworld" of my own inner being - as this is what a shaman does for others.  

At first, I was feeling kind of afraid, but eventually, I started to negate the fear altogether and realized it was just a part of my own being that I had to resolve.  

Eventually, I had some dreams in which I experienced letting go of many blocks just holding me back.  

*A bit too personal to be writing about it here....all I can say is that the whole dream session felt like a bit of a healing sessions, where I transcended a lot of fear and trauma buried deep inside. 

*While I didn't experience exactly what I intended.. I still had some pretty profound experiences.

Views: 745

Replies to This Discussion

Absolutely beautiful :) we see you all soaring at the clouds and it encourages all of us that are looking, please keep sharing as long as you can, with what wisdom you find. It only raises everyone else around you to share it with.

Praise for your experiences, gratitude for the energy you took to put them here. Love for every aspect of it.

Its funny to see Sevan keeps popping it in your dream Jon and that you're using demonoid. Thanks for the link and I'll be sure to try this new one. Keep up the post I would love to hear where you're heading

wholeness jon, think its awesome how you are able to fly at will, I was just wondering do you fly often in your dreams and if so, do you awake in your dream flying or is it something you prepare for in the dream? like bracing yourself and lifting off?

If I have enough will power, and depending on the day ~ I can fly.  It just really depends on how I'm feeling. 

Honestly, in the dream it seems to be a natural skill of mine ~ I don't really think about it ~ it's more like a feeling, or a "happy thought". 

Just take your time ~ no need to rush go at your own pace, and things will unfold itself.  



~Ready to Fly ~ Into the Sky~

Be the Leaf ~ Dance like the Wind

*Often I do set an intention before I go to sleep.  Also, it may also depend on what's happening in your external world ~ again dreams are subjective to the dreamer, but for me, it was a sign of me letting go of a lot of trauma, both internally and externally. 

*Sometimes I have to use will power to get lucid... 

*Sometimes I don't, and I just get lucid... 

*Connect with KV if you can ~ if you have questions about dreaming, he's the guy! :)
*Feel free to contact me via Skype. Just PM me. I'll give you my ID.

3rd video is funny .. I was the second girl in the 3rd video when first tried to fly in my dreams, so thanks, much help indeed , I'll contact for skype info soon.

Last night I too wanted to get something from my lucid dream so I asked a question about relevance, purpose, and significance. I knew I was probably concentrating on to much, but as I meditated to sleep one thought lead to another and I could not focus without thee others connections interfering. As I watched myself in the dream in some sort of telekinetic and hologram type library I ended up with pictures and symbols as if someone was trying to give me death by power point. It was extremely confusing I experienced information overload within the dream. However, although it was not what I expected, there was awareness that it was all necessary and it was what I needed not wanted and for my own good. I awoke realizing something else. Something was with me a kind of keen awareness of my subconscious mind and behavior. I don’t mean the just the kind of thoughts we just dismiss and try to rain in, I mean all thoughts pure good and bad. It’s as if a light switch has been turned on the part of my brain that I may not want on at times. I am acutely aware today of how one thought or desire leads to the thought patterns, rituals, habits and choices I make all day! . And the clincher is I have much more clarity with reading others focuses, and motives as a result. This is very serial I don’t know whether to be frightened, disused or grateful for the gift. LOL

Thank You for sharing you’re experience with me.



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