The Resistance Ship Dream.
I posted this in chat and to someone already, but its something I wanted to share further (faster). It is my second dream directly involving certain people from the resistance.
12th April 1am GMT (1.16 when I looked at the clock, maybe around 1.11 when I woke up).
Myself Sevan and a few others were in an icy, frozen cavern. A door ahead of us, and we were trying to decipher it. Sevan was locked in a intensive meditative sitting position as those around tried to decode the door, and carry out other tasks.
My family where there and they were saying how this was a waste of time, how it was never going to work or amount to anything, they irritated me as I could clear see it was a great thing to be a part of . I started to focus on the door close up. It was a grey arch with rectangle symbols, and some shaped as arrows pointing up or right. I saw two symbols clearly made of these smaller symbols, with a number 1 in the first that was shaped like a small r, a number 2 was in the second, shaped like a small n or i. They were over the top of the frame, the door seemed plastic to me, set in the icy cavern, though I was not cold.
I heard a voice say it was Egyptian or Numeric. (I think numeric, might have been Babylonian).
Then suddenly the door was deciphered, and straight in front of us was lots of Egyptian treasure, which my family and possibly a few others started helping themselves too. I was embarrassed how much they were disrespecting the place, and asked them to leave. I then started apologising for their behavior to Sevan.
An African, gentle, kind, middle aged woman sat with me. Possibly the 'woman called moses' - Harriet Tubman - (From another's info thank you :) ). Was there reassuring me that it was okay, Sevan always wanted me on this ship, I was always meant to be here.
Then we were soon inside the ship which appeared behind the surface treasure. It was a light ship, looked like ice/energy, much like the cavern we had been in, with pulsating consoles at the crews arms length. Sevan was sitting behind me again in a central chair, in a deep concentration ahead. In front of me was a pilots console, with the console to the left manned already, so I took a seat at the pilot's chair. Behind us was a room off to the left, right if you were facing forward, though I couldn’t see clearly, as it was partially unlit.
Someone else came along and said I can fly, the man had a beard, with blondish/golden hair! But I took the wheel instead, which looked like a car’s steering wheel, quite a thin circle, still all pulsating with strands of energy. Accelerating the ship hit the caverns wall briefly with a judder.
He said becareful of the sides! I handed over control to this pilot who seemed the best to take control, only he couldn’t reach the accelerator, so I got up out of the chair. Instead as I was waking up I pictured myself building my own console, out of holographic material, that of a chair you’d sit in for defense of the ship instead. If you’ve ever seen any sci-fi material where someone would sit in a holographic chair/or standing position for defense, and something connects to their eyes to hook them in to maintaining the integrity of the outer shell.
As I was awake, I had the distinct voice in my mind that as I hate hurting things, why would I be in this role? But as others have told –me- (me not you remember ;) ), you are not ready to be a teacher until you realise nobody -needs- to be taught. You are not ready to be a healer, until you realise nobody -needs- to be healed. When you know that then you can teach/heal effectively. Besides I considered it breaking negative energetic chords more than hurting things.
Again please moderate the message for me, not you, these things only work from our own perspective. Your vision of this could be anything.
Happy Journeys,
*The pilot was of a similar description I often see in my dreams on the positive side of things. Golden - Blonde/brown hair, Caucasian, often with a beard, usually quite tall or powerful in my dreams. Though this man was more at a height with me, but very energetic, bright :)
It is known that intentions set in motion in one life can infiltrate and effect other lives. If this were my dream I would suspect that it is showing me a possible future life where members of the resistance have become a starship enterprise type faction having adventures that span over multiple dimensions....
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