:) <3 to you all. i was wondering if anyone knows how to induce sleep? if u r familiar w/ the link if the info is here that would b gr8... i have always had a hard time going to sleep, now it is better but i would like to go to sleep when i want and work on resting more and practice lucid dreaming, not just at the end of the day when im physically tired. lol i feel like one nights rest is not enough. idk. im open to any advice, maybe it is :).

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I never considered myself as having trouble getting to sleep-I love going to bed & look forward to it-but that doesn't mean I fall asleep right away or that I even stay asleep all night. Sometimes, I only get about 4 hrs and other times I get 10 and still want to nap in the afternoon. When I am running on very high frequency I don't sleep much but I am not tired either. I think it is all very personal and changeable-some experts claim an hour of meditation is worth 8 hrs of sleep. When I lay down in bed and don't fall straight to sleep I just lay there and let my mind wander or listen to the thoughts try to sense if they are mine which at times they are not. I might wake up in the middle of the night and just lay there maybe meditate or allow images to run through my mind. I often get up and read usually something metaphysical- I love the quiet. If none of this helps you to re-establish your belief systems and approach to getting rest you might check out Ken Rohla he ahas youtube account and a couple of websites. You may need to look into earthing and or devices such as sacred G posters or orgonite to combat EMFs. Good luck :)

I do not mean to discredit orgonite but i have brought four of them and i keep one by my bed, one in the family room and one in my car and I havent noticed anything different. i was hoping in a change in my family's attitudes lol. if anything maybe we need more...Thanks for your thoughts on the issue though I really appreciate your imput. How do you know if the thoughts are yours or not? i try to go to bed early so that my mind has time to settle down...

I struggled with insomnia a lot during the beginning of my awakening, the combination of meditation with obes and lucid dreaming has really made the switch from uncontrollable insomnia and nightmares to conscious ascent to the spiritual planes. When you want to sleep, lay down and I like to start with a full body relaxation from feet to head. Then I open my chakras, after I focus on whatever or wherever my intent needs to go, and in your super relaxed state ready for bed you can either enter into an obe or lucid dream. It helps to keep a dream journal nearby so you are sending the message to the universe that you want 100% consciousness and to remember all of your experiences. When you send that  message out that you are ready you will meet teachers and masters and some other beings that will be at your disposal for help or not... that's for you to decide. Energy work by Robert Bruce is a great book to help with techniques for getting back in touch with your energy body and my relaxation and chakra work greatly benefited by using the said techniques in the book. Just focus on what you want and believe you have already received. Love and light -Casondra. 

Also, I make orgone, it works great! But it won't walk you through the door, it'll transform negative energy but if you let yourself be affected by not mastering the planes of existence, the symptoms will continue in the forms you saw before you bought orgone. It'll protect from emfs but you have to transformyourself, your thoughts, your mind and soul to understand where the thoughts, attitudes, emotions or sicknesses come from. The frustrating part mastering the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes is it's frustrating to see everyone else struggle with why things happen to them  when you understand perfectly well that everyone reaps what they sow... so to speak. Manifest what you want to happen and its yours! Don't just think it... do it. Seize every moment. And if sleeping problems persist try putting the orgone or just quartz like a huge piece under your bed and charge it at least once a month or when you feel it's not working as well anymore. Love and light - Casondra



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