Hi everyone,
I am a new member of this website and so happy to be here! I was wondering if someone could help me figure out something...
In 2012, I lost my husband to cancer. He was truly my best friend and we had what I would consider a very good, loving, solid marriage. Since his death and about a year ago, I was finally able to dream about him. Up till that point, I couldn't. However, every time he shows up in my dream he is angry with me or standoffish or in the last few dreams, I see him in his new life with another woman. and in the dreams we are either going through divorce or already divorced. Something neither he nor I would have ever considered in life. We were married 15 years and loved each other very much. These dreams are very disturbing to me and I am wondering what I can do to either eliminate them, or lessen them or interact with them/my husband in a way that produces meaning or interpretations for me, hopefully producing peace of mind about this..... If anyone can help, I would be grateful.
Hello, Wanda … I don't have an answer for you, but I'm sure someone does. I just want to say I hope you find peace with this conundrum.
Sara, Thank you so much for your kind words.
The departed come to me in dreams and in that half-light between dream and vision. Their message is always the same: we made it; we're ok. For me, all my departed ones have 4 legs. In the beginning, I would feel so left behind, but I grew to learn to remember them rather than miss them. This practice has helped assuage a lot of "painful" memories into joyful remembrance.
And remember this: they may be gone, but they are everywhere.
Much solace to you.
As always Wholeness, Balance, Vibrance
Welcome to the resistance :)
This made me think of an answer to a problem of my own and perhaps an analogy would help?? I began meditating about a month and a half ago and for such a long time I was making progress. It was very encouraging but recently I've kind of hit the wall and yesterday I realized the reasons I want what I sought from meditation outweigh any length of time needed to see them. That gave me an internal fire :) One of the things I remember talking to my friend about is that with almost every understanding there is an inflection of equal value, so then what I realized with mine is that the fire didn't come from being patient, it came from "letting go" of the severity encompassing the want. Now, I don't think about wanting the benefits of meditation, yet I feel them :) Please be understanding with what I'm saying next. He has passed and in the existence he has now, if you think of him too frequently with a very deep sense of connection, you create it. Which keeps him here. Maybe what you should do is not "forget" or "let him go", but be ready to. Work up within yourself to be ready to. I'm sorry for your loss, I wish you success and transcendance. I hope you find inner peace of mind.
As always Wholeness, Balance, Vibrance :)
Thank you so very much Joshua!
Wow... Believe it or not, I totally understood your analogy and when I was able to give deeper thought to what you said. Quickly the answers came to me... My husband wants me to move on with my life. To continue thinking of him. Longing for the different aspects of the life we shared together does indeed keep him here... I believe now the reason he is standoffish is because if he were to be too welcoming... I would never move on.. I would continually and intentionally try to meet him in my dream state.. thus.. holding him back and myself... I completely get it now.. Joshua. I can't tell you how much I truly appreciate the time you took to deliver to me that message. Clarity came with it. Thanks again. YOU ARE AWESOME!!
Wow you're so welcome!! I'm really glad I could help, it brings me a lot of joy reading your response!! :)
As always Wholeness, Balance, Vibrance
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Hi Wanda,
I also lost my child last year and we meet in dreams a lot. I will be more than happy to talk to you and try to explain some mechanics and ways the souls on the other side communicate, too long to post it now. Not sure if you can send me a private message here but try (or post a reply). I hope you are doing fine.
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