This article I found in IMDB out of curiosity about wanting to know who was the script writer of this movie when I watched it today, not as entertainment but with the analysing mind-set... it came to the point of being hilarious. Take a look at this and see how interesting it is...:


Actor Tom Cruise is being honored with the Japan Cool Content Contribution (J3C) Award for acting for his performance in Edge Of Tomorrow (2014) from the Japan External Trade Organization (Jetro), the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Meti), and the Consulate General of Japan, Los Angeles. The 2nd Annual Japan Cool Content Contribution Awards Ceremony will be held on September 13, 2014 at the Official Residence of the Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles.

Edge Of Tomorrow was based on the Japanese sci-fi novel All You Need Is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka and starred Cruise as Major William Cage, a reluctant soldier stuck reliving the same day.

Live. Die. Repeat.


So yeah... do they still think they can get away intact with the programming? No, critical mass is gaining weight on this side of the scale now.

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One of the things I took from the movie is in regards to "do overs" on this side. Until we get our lessons, they will continue to happen over and over. I didnt see him as a reluctant soldier...he was arrogant but finally he was awakened to the lessons as he began to care about someone other then himself. The caring broke his programming. That was some of things I noticed. I liked the movie and would see it again.

Exactly, and you're more than welcomed to do it over again (but not by me though...). :)
Like said, the entire movie wasn't seen in the entertaining view point, so that I could also dodge the bullets, so to speak... Just found it curious to see the entities related with the honoring ceremony spoken of above.
What I saw was more like a computer game with nice graphics where the characters can die over and over again and restart whenever they please, lives being so expendable by sequences of desensitized euthanasias where they show how easy it is to kill themselves effortlessly and routinely as brushing the teeth in the morning. That must've been nice in the big screens and surround sound.
And do we really need to go through the level of carnage in order to get a glimpse of romance at the end? A romance where one can see the kiss of death by the death goddess...

Not to mention the big old cliché: human-machines. "Full metal bitch" written in a gigantic board seen in repeat, but at the same time nobody there can speak the words? Lol.

Not even bothering to analyse here the movie deeper as it is obvious what's going on, also with the Alpha and Omega story even:

Just some final words here in relation of what's also happening for a long, long time: the human psyche manipulation. One thing I'm starting to go by more and more these days is that if I wouldnt show it to my children as to entertain them then in a sense it's also no good for me. But hey, that's my point of view :)

Wouldn't be a surprise. Since I saw Jim Carrey's egomaniac god-like speech at MUM graduation, wich you can find on youtube, it's evident to me the guy is a wolf in sheeps clothing.



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