Hello, I am a new member on the website and I am more than happy to greet everyone with my first discussion post! The first spiritual website I became apart of was ISN. I am trying to find other spiritual websites such as this to spread my wings, so to speak.

^ . ^


   Any and all that would like to know more about me, I am happy to refer you to the link above, which is a page describing my past in this life and how it shaped who I am today... or when I wrote it a year ago, lol!

   I would also like to share my article below, titled, "Spiritual Prejudice," as I believe it spreads an important message about the prejudiced mindsets regarding reptilian beings and other ET races.


   I look forward to participating on the website and getting to know who I can!

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I was unable to view the two links above?

    They should be working now. I got banned from that site a few months ago and everyone was in a tissy, and made a big deal about it. Unfortunately, even though I was reinstated on that website and was able to repost my material, I lost over a years worth of valuable comments. After I was reinstated, though, they changed to site to invite only for almost a month, so only members can view the content. That was lifted a little while ago, you should be able to view my links now.



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