A Collection of Alchemical and Hermetic Emblems PDF

about the book:

This is the most significant collection that has ever been made of alchemical and related emblems. These have been hand coloured by Adam McLean from original woodcuts, engravings and drawings in manuscripts. An enormous amount of research has gone into uncovering rare and previously unknown emblems, and obtaining high quality images of these items. McLean has handcoloured these images to make them more approachable by the modern eye. In some cases, with the most complex emblems, it took over 15 hours to paint an image. The painting respects the original traditional colouring of images in alchemical manuscripts. Creating this resource has taken about ten thousand hours of work over the past ten years. These images have been used in McLean's books and study courses.

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I just downloaded part 1 with no problem and the drawings are amazing. Thank you for sharing.



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