A few days ago I was listening to Dr. Blair talk about the two suns. He said that anyone could take pictures of it a couple hours before sunset. So, thats what I did. I took these photos while at my daughters softball game. They're pretty cool. Also notice the Chem trails all across the sky in that area. It seems that every late afternoon and evening the planes can be seen spraying across the Western sky. Is someone trying to hide something?

The Third Picture was the one I took first, Dr. Blair also said Nibiru sometimes shows up. The lighter dot could be Nibiru. Hmm. 

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Good analogy, joh
Thats pretty interesting, too. Seems that more folks are beginning to see things in he skies.

Heres one Ive never been able to explain. Stare out into a clear part of the atmosphere for a minute, a dead gaze...When I do this, I start noticing these tiny firefly light particles moving around in every direction, like some kind of wall or almost like a, i dunno program or something. I have never been able to find that anyone else can see this or not. Better yet, I dont even know if im explaining it right or not..But thats the best way I can describe it for now. Point is, what am I seeing, and why?

Wow, your the only person besides myself that I have heard talk about this. To me it seems kind of like static or the way the old televisions used to look when they went off the air. It's almost like the holograph is breaking down or something.
Exactly, ken and Miriam..
Well, i took a gaze again yesterday. There was a huge difference since the last time i really took a shot at it...Now, those little lights are way more multiplied and more active..They form more of a wall now, instead of the random space they used to have between them. So yes, they are more like that channel zero look from the tv's, well not exactly, but thats a great analogy to perceive the idea of it..
Deep! And something to think about..We'll talk more about it. See, I thought it was just me..Glad to know u see what im talking about. I dont see those white blood cells when I look/stare at anything else tho.
I havent experienced that before..But nothing to me is far fetched anymore, now that I know with the changes going on, anything is bound to happen we aren't familiar with or expecting. I dunno, maybe you should explore that one more since it was euphoric, i couldn't say you felt it was a negative thing. Yet, you were unsure of its purpose, fear of the unknown, which is usually expected from us.. I guess we should more or less embrace the unknown for more answers, spiritually.
Speaking of which Ken...The chemtrails, seem to be hiding something many say.. Cause your right, they start spraying in one area, at a certain time of day.. Funny thing is (but not really funny) is I have asked many ppl what they see, and they all say, Clouds or they say "those cloud strips made by planes." At that point I mention, contrails. However, to enlighten them in their own study of the difference, I tell them, contrails fade not too long after..But chemtrails stick around for hours, and spread into eachother forming a
covered haze that only simulates a contrail for a moment or clouds for hours..But its neither..And if they look at the right time, can see them being made simulateously accross the skies in strips, making a diamond grid that becomes a blanket accross the skies.. Some say this is spraying us with chemicals or agents. Others say its to cover the questionable 2 suns...So what is, it? Nibiru (Planet X)? or something else? Or is it a time lapse as Joh mentions?

Well, whatever it is, someone is spending aaaa lllloooooooootttttt of money to keep the skies covered at a certain time of day, and well, thats a real fact, whoever notices..

Is that same light the one that hangs jus below or above the moon at nite? i wonder? I saw it lastnite, I should get a picture next time..Or maybe its a planet? Hmmm..

Yes, still.. But not as much as in the past..More clear skies now..I wonder if its true or not, that the GFL in sends shuttles around the globe to clean up the CT's. Cause noticeably, since i heard that transmission, I started to pay more attention to the fact that they are clearer lately, on more occassions than not..
Good work, Jedi! Keep using the force for perfect channeling. Your have a point!


I have a feeling you're absolutely on the right track. I just took some more photos tonight. I always see the same small sun. I took this tonight, 9-23-10 at 6:08 p.m. mst. in Utah. Thanks to all for the great discussion. It's great to have a place to talk without ridicule.
I haven't been able to get this whole cell phone picture thing to work. Dr. Blair said to take the pic when the sun was setting in the west....so I did. Nada. Just a bright dot of the sun with nothing else around. Don't what I'm doing wrong. Perhaps I'll try again
...Do Appreciate This Very Interesting Post Ken. Please Swing By My Page, & Check Out My Blog. I Have A Link
There To What I Feel To Be Some Of The Most Advanced Info On The Topic Of Our Binary Star System.
Keep Up The Good Works. Wholeness To All...........



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