

Internal Cleansing is the most effective way of changing frequency and boosting the Mind, Body, and Soul to an ascended level. Take a moment to review the plethora of information made available on the subject as you will find a great deal of knowledge here. Wholeness and Balance to you!.


Complete Internal Cleansing Kit™(w/Colon Cleansing Kit™ an $89.50 value)

(click to enlarge)

These links below are alive, click them for much more detailed info...

Contents of the Kit

Colon & Digestive System

Liver & Gallbladder

Unwanted Para-Organisms

Probiotics & Antioxidants

Lungs, Kidneys & Bladder

Cautions & Safety

Effects of Cleansing

For Purchasing info click "here"

Digestive Stimulator™

Cape Aloe leaf, Aloe Vera leaf , Cascara Sagrada bark, Triphala† (Amla fruit, Chebulic Myrobalan fruit, Belleric Myrobalan fruit), Chinese Rhubarb root†, Barberry root, Dandelion root†, Fringe Tree root bark, Meadowsweet aerial parts†, English Plantain aerial parts†, Ginger root†, Fennel seed†, Peppermint leaf†, Fenugreek seed† and Licorice root†

Toxin Absorber™

Psyllium seed husks†, Bentonite Clay, Apple pectin, Ginger root† or Peppermint leaf†

Liver & Gallbladder Rejuvenator™

Dandelion root†, Milk Thistle seed†, Milk Thistle seed extract 80% silymarin, Reishi mushroom extract 4:1, Artichoke leaf†, Schisandra berry, Lycium berry, Amla fruit†, Peppermint leaf†, Barberry root, Celandine aerial parts† and Licorice root†

Small Para Cleanser™

Green Black Walnut hulls, Olive leaf extract 6% Oleuropein, Pau d'Arco bark, Cat's Claw bark, Barberry root, Echinacea Angustifolia root, Shiitake mycelia LEM extract 6:1, Grapefruit seed extract, Shiitake mushroom extract 6:1, Southern Prickly Ash bark, Licorice root†, distilled water, grain alcohol† and glycerin

Large Para Cleanser 1™

Quisqualis fruit, Wormwood aerial parts†, Clove flower bud†, Ginger root† and Licorice root†

Large Para Cleanser 2™

Torreya Grandis nut, Butternut bark, Astragalus root†, Elecampane root†, Wild Yam root, Fennel seed†, Ginger root†, Licorice root†, distilled water, alcohol and glycerin

Friendly Bacteria Replenisher™

One billion live cells each of Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell-52, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium longum bacteria, Gum Arabic Tree resin and Acerola berry extract†

Lung Rejuvenator™

Mullein leaf and flowers, Pleurisy root, Lungwort lichen, Elecampane root†, Chlorella, Cordyceps mycelia CS-4 extract 2:1, Turkey Tails mushroom extract 8:1, Grindelia aerial parts, Wild American Ginseng root, Lobelia aerial parts, Long Pepper fruit, Black Peppercorns†, Ginger root†, Lobelia aerial parts, Sweet Violet leaf†, Licorice root†, distilled water, grain alcohol†, and glycerin

Kidney & Bladder Rejuvenator™

Birch bark, Corn silk stigma†, Canadian Goldenrod top aerial parts, Dandelion leaf†, Cordyceps mycelia CS-4 extract 2:1, Linden leaf and flowers†, Hydrangea root, Stoneroot root, Wild Yam root, Pipsissewa aerial parts, Yarrow aerial parts†, Red Clover blossoms†, Cleavers aerial parts, Parsley root†, Fragrant Waterlilly root, Marshmallow root†, Southern Prickly Ash bark, Licorice root†, distilled water, grain alcohol†, and glycerin

Lymph Rejuvenator™

Ocotillo stem, Red root, Red Clover blossoms†, Cleavers aerial parts, Stillingia root, Astragalus root†, Echinacea Angustifolia root, Mullein leaf, Southern Prickly Ash bark, Licorice root†, distilled water, grain alcohol†, and glycerin

Blood & Skin Rejuvenator™

Oregon Grape root, Sarsaparilla (Jamaican) root, Stinging Nettle leaf†, Burdock root, Yellow Dock root, Hawthorn berries, Chlorella, Butcher's Broom root†, Bull Kelp thallus†, Bee Pollen, Southern Prickly Ash bark, distilled water, grain alcohol†, and glycerin. Organic Grain alcohol

Toxin Neutralizer™

Amla fruit†, Caffeine-free Green Tea leaf extract 90% Polyphenols & EGCg 30%, Spirulina†, Green Tea leaf†, Grape seed extract 95% proanthocyanidins and Amla fruit extract 20:1.

Refreshing Green Tea Herbal Blend™

West Indian Lemongrass aerial parts†, Lemon Balm leaf†, Green Tea leaf†, Oatstraw aerial parts†, Stinging Nettle leaf†, Dandelion root†, Burdock root†, Licorice root†, Jasmine Green Tea leaf, Irish Moss thallus, Grape seed extract 95% proanthocyanidins and Amla fruit extract 20:1

Shaker Jar

Mixing Glass

Daily Travel Vials

†Certified Organically Grown, All Others Wild Harvested with Care or High Quality Herbs.


For detailed cautions and safety guidelines Click Here.

Package Type: Box
Package Quantity: Each

What the Internal Cleansing Kit™ Does

Your body has eleven major systems (circulatory, digestive, nervous, etc.) and five are needed for continuous self-cleansing and elimination. You’re designed this way because your body continually generates large quantities of endo-toxins – the natural by-products of metabolism. In fact, scientists estimate that in the time it would take you to read this section, your body’s natural metabolism will have produced enough “endo-toxins” to kill a small animal.

Add to that the modern burdens of exo-toxins – environmental pollutants, food additives and other stress factors – and it’s clear that if your elimination system is over-burdened or weak, your health and vitality can suffer. The Center for Disease Control has done large-scale studies and found measurable amounts of more than 100 toxic chemicals in blood and urine of the general public.

While the Colon Cleansing Kit™ improves digestion and eliminates old waste, the Internal Cleansing Kit™ builds upon this by providing comprehensive herbal cleansing and support for your body’s extensive systems and organs of self-cleansing. In addition it rebalances intestinal organisms and provides antioxidant formulas to protect while body cleansing.*

Specifically the Internal Cleansing Kit™ is designed to:

1) Detoxify and Rejuvenate All of Your Body’s Organs of Cleansing

Over ninety different herbs in thirteen special formulas support the small and large intestines (colon), liver & gallbladder, kidneys & bladder, lungs, lymph, blood, and skin.*

2) Reduce Unwanted Para-Organisms in the Digestive Tract

Three powerful herbal formulas are used to rebalance unwanted para-organism populations.*

3) Provide Probiotics

Introduces 3 billion live strains of friendly bacteria per capsule to maintain a high level of good bacteria in our intestines.

4) Provide Support While Cleansing

Soothing teas and a special antioxidant formula provide comfort and support as your body detoxifies.

5) Release the Body’s Wisdom for Greater Health

Sequential Cleansing for Optimum Results

The Internal Cleansing Kit™: Step-by-Step


The Internal Cleansing Kit™ starts with a three-day pre-cleanse. During this time you will discover how many Digestive Stimulator™ capsules you need to take before bed to assure three daily bowel movements the following day. This number will vary depending on your current regularity. You will continue to take this number of Digestive Stimulator™ caps each day of your cleanse. In addition you will begin taking Toxin Absorber™ once per day. This bulk fiber will assist your body in removing toxins throughout your cleanse.*

Week One

The Internal Cleansing Kit™ begins with support and cleansing of your liver & gallbladder. The liver is your body’s primary organ of self-detoxification and plays a crucial role in a successful cleanse. You will continue supporting and cleansing your liver for the entire cleanse by taking Liver & Gallbladder Rejuvenator™. As with most of the formulas in the Internal Cleansing Kit™ you will be taking it three      times per day: before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Also in week one, you will take four formulas to rebalance populations of intestinal organisms. Three of these formulas, Large Para Cleanser 1 & 2™ and Small Para Cleanser™, will work to eliminate unwanted para-organisms and the fourth, Friendly Bacteria Replenisher™, will recolonize your intestinal tract with probiotics, the good bacteria that maintain your life.*

During week one, you will also begin taking Toxin Neutralizer™ once per day to protect your cells during cleansing and to reduce damage from free radicals.* This will be continued throughout the entire cleanse.

In addition, at any point during your cleanse you may have a cup of Refreshing Green Tea Blend™ to help you through any difficult spots that may arise.

Week Two

During the second week, you will focus on your Kidneys and Lungs. During this week you will be adding Kidney & Bladder Rejuvenator™ and Lung Rejuvenator™ to the other formulas you are continuing from previous steps. These two formulas will only be taken during week two and will be taken three times per day.

Week Three

During the third week, you will concentrate on your Blood, Skin, and Lymph systems. You will be taking two formulas, Blood & Skin Rejuvenator™ and Lymph Rejuvenator™, three times per day during week three.

Beyond Week Three

You should continue taking any remaining Digestive Stimulator™ until you have completely used up your bottle (if you want, you may order more and continue for as long as you like).

Complete instructions are provided within the Users Guide and Dosage Calendar. Printed versions of both are included in each Internal Cleansing Kit™.
Download Users Guide (3.3 MB) | Download Dosage Calendar(.8 MB)

Dietary Considerations During the Internal Cleansing Kit™

As with the Colon Cleansing Kit™ you can control the strength of your cleanse by varying what and how much you eat. By eating less and/or easier to digest foods you will have a deeper cleanse. However, unlike the Colon Cleansing Kit™, there is no need to fast while doing the Internal Cleansing Kit™. That said, eating more raw foods and fresh fruits and vegetables will aid the cleansing process.

Specific Foods to Eliminate While Cleansing

Some foods are particularly difficult for the body to digest or process. Below is a list of foods that are beneficial to eliminate while cleansing.

  • Dairy products including cheese, ice cream, milk, and yogurt because they clog and congest, thus slowing down the elimination of toxins and old intestinal waste
  • Fried foods, especially pan-fried with oil or deep-fried because they also clog and congest
  • Processed sugar (white sugar, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, etc.) in candy, soft drinks, or added to food, because they depress the immune system
  • Common Iodized Table Salt because it constricts and holds in toxins (you can use unrefined, unheated earth or sea salt lightly)
  • Meat because it takes the most energy to digest and slows cleansing

Controlling the Strength of Your Cleanse

The chart below gives a more in-depth look at the effects of different diets while taking the Internal Cleansing Kit™. To use this chart, locate your current diet type in each column. You can make your cleanse stronger and more effective by moving up in any column or in any combination of columns. Likewise, if your cleanse becomes too strong, you can move down in any column to soften the effects.

Note: Raw and organic juices are the best because they are packed with readily available nutrition which requires less energy for your body to digest. No pesticide residues means less toxic exposure for your body cells and less energy expenditure to process toxins.

Recommended Books on Different Diet Types

The following is a list of books that represent some of the different diet types mentioned above. They can all be found at any good bookstore.

Standard American Diet with Healthy Changes

Cooking the RealAge Way
-Michael F. Rosen, MD & John LaPuma, MD

The Golden Door Cooks
Light & Easy

-Chef Michael Stroot

The Professional Chef’s Techniques of Healthy Cooking
2nd Edition

-The Culinary Institute of America


Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites
-The Moosewood Collective

The New Moosewood Cookbook
-Mollie Katzen


The Self-Healing Cookbook
-Kristina Turner


The Balanced Plate
-Renee Loux

The American Vegetarian Cookbook from the Fit for Life Kitchen
-Marilyn Diamond

Raw Food

Hooked on Raw

Living on Live Food
-Alissa Cohen

Raw Food Real Wood
-Matthew Kenney & Sarma Melngailis

Raw Juices

Juicing for Health
-Julie Stafford

The Juiceman's Power of Juicing
-Jay Kordich

To purchase the complet Internal Cleansing Kit click "here" or visit the Internal Cleansing tab on the top of the website.


Colon Cleansing Kit

Removing Built-Up Waste

Cleansing Benefits

3 Ways To Do The Kit

Are You Very Constipated?

Formulas and Ingredients

Cautions and Safety

After Your Cleanse

For Purchasing info click "here"

What the Colon Cleansing Kit™ Does

1) Assures Regular & Comfortable Bowel Movements*

Our herbal stimulant formula not only helps the bowels move regularly (2-3 times/day), but also includes carminative herbs that reduce or eliminate cramps, gas and griping that could be caused if stimulating herbs are taken by themselves.

2) Removes Old, Accumulated Waste from Your Small & Large (Colon) Intestines*

In the following section (see Removing Built-up Waste), we'll explain how colon cleansingcombined with a liquids-only fast enables our herbal blend to literally bind to and pull out old waste that is stuck to your intestinal walls.* Our Colon Cleansing Kit™ may alternatively be done without fasting, providing a milder cleanse for increased regularity and gentler colon cleansing.*

3) Rejuvenates the Digestive System*

The herbal formulas of the Colon Cleansing Kit™ are designed to restore and encourage the natural functions of your entire digestive system, including the stomach, both the small and large (colon) intestines, liver, gallbladder and pancreas.*

  • Stimulates digestive secretions*
  • Provides tonic support for digestive organs and mucus membranes*
  • Decongests the liver and stimulates bile flow*


4) Prepares You for the Internal Cleansing Kit™*

The Colon Cleansing Kit™ can be used (2-4 times/year) as a stand-alone cleansing therapy - or as the first step of our Complete Cleansing Program™. It is highly recommended to fully cleanse the colon prior to beginning the Internal Cleansing Kit™. A well-functioning colon enables the herbal formulas to work directly with the other five pathways of cleansing (liver, lungs, kidneys, skin and lymph), without having to deal with a "backed-up" body sewer (colon) - the 6th pathway.* And by removing old, accumulated wastes from the intestines, this allows the Para-Cleansing formulas of the Internal Cleansing Kit™ to rebalance the unwanted para-organisms population more easily and more completely.*


Contents of the Colon Cleansing Kit™ (Ginger or Peppermint)

  • Toxin Absorber™ (Ginger or Peppermint) - 30 Packets
  • Digestive Stimulator™ - 90 Vegetarian Capsules
  • Glass Shaker Jar - 1 Glass Jar with Lid (to mix Toxin Absorber™)
  • Dosage Calendar - 1 Printed Booklet download PDF (.5 MB)
  • Users Guide - 1 Printed Booklet download PDF (2.6 MB)

Toxin Absorber™: Choose Ginger or Peppermint

During this program you will take Toxin Absorber with apple juice and water, five times a day, to draw the build-up off the intestinal walls.* It is an herbal supplement of Psyllium seed husks, Apple pectin, Ginger root OR Peppermint leaf, and Bentonite clay.

Though Ginger root has a hot, spicy taste and Peppermint leaf a cool minty taste, they are not added to the Toxin Absorber formula in our Colon Cleansing Kit™ for their flavoring, but rather for their different effects on the body. Either one will relieve digestive upsets and harmonize the formula, but Ginger supports more parts of the body than Peppermint does. Ginger not only supports digestion, but also the cardiovascular and immune systems. Ginger also encourages the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut, dispels unwanted para-organisms, helps make the other herbs in the formula more bioavailable to the body, and helps expel toxins.

Although we recommend Ginger because of these additional benefits, that does not mean it is appropriate for all people to take. We have found that nearly 70% of our customers choose Ginger and 30% choose Peppermint. Please read the following information carefully to help you in making your decision. Don't make a choice based on taste alone, unless none of the conditions listed below apply to you.

Choose Ginger† if any if the following applies to you:

  • if you have a feeling of cold most of the time or have a feeling of heat, but only in the afternoon or evening, often with night sweats
  • if you usually like heat and dislike cold, except while experiencing a hot spell
  • if you have cold extremities
  • CAUTION: if you have hiatal hernia choose Ginger because Peppermint may cause more acid refluxing due to a relaxing effect on the lower esophageal sphincter.

Choose Peppermint† if any if the following applies to you:

  • if you have a feeling of heat most of the time
  • if you usually like cold and dislike heat
  • if you have a burning sensation in your stomach sometimes
  • CAUTION: if you are taking anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs or aspirin choose Peppermint, because Ginger at high doses may increase the blood-thinning effect of these drugs but Peppermint does not.

†Certified Organically Grown, all others Wild Harvested with care or High Quality herbs

Digestive Stimulator™: Comfortable Regularity

Digestive Stimulator™ is a natural herbal supplement that tones, cleanses, and purifies the entire digestive system*. The dosages will vary for each person to assure that one's bowels are moving at least three times a day. During this program it is vitally important that one has regular bowel movements to keep the Toxin Absorber™ moving through the intestinal system.

An herbal dietary supplement ofCape Aloe leaf, Aloe Vera leaf, Cascara Sagrada bark, Chinese Rhubarb root†, Triphala† (Amla fruit, Chebulic Myrobalan fruit, Belleric Myrobalan fruit), Barberry root, Dandelion root†, Fringe Tree root bark, Meadowsweet aerial parts, Plantain aerial parts†, Ginger root†, Fennel seed†, Peppermint leaf†, Fenugreek seed†, and Licorice root†.

†Certified Organically Grown, all others Wild Harvested with care or High Quality herbs

Shaker Jar for Mixing Toxin Absorber™

Shaker Jarto mix Toxin Absorber™ with juice. We recommend organic apple juice. Apple juice makes the main formula of this cleanse, Toxin Absorber™, much easier to drink. You can try to take it with water, but we have found it tastes much better and goes down smoother with apple juice. Apple juice also has its own cleansing powers and helps with the rejuvenation process.* You can also drink apple juice at any time during this colon cleanse if you feel you need a little more energy or a change from just water.

It will take a total of 8 quarts (2 gallons) of apple juice to take all of your packets of Toxin Absorber™. If you wish to drink apple juice between times of taking Toxin Absorber™, you will want to have more quarts on hand. When you buy your juice, be sure it is from organically grown apples so as to not introduce new toxins while cleansing. You should be able to get your juice at the local health food store or supermarket. Best of all, make your own fresh juice using four organically grown apples each time you take a packet of Toxin Absorber™.

Our Printed Instructions Make it Easy

Users Guide

The Users Guide (printed version included) gives detailed instructions and tips for every part of the program. It also has a large section of common questions and answers to help you along the way.

Users Guide Contains
  • Before You Start
  • Quick Start
  • Pre-Cleanse
  • Main Cleanse
  • Breaking Your Fast
  • Questions & Answers (39 most FAQ's)
  • Formulas
  • Index to Over 300 Topics
    download PDF(2.6 MB)


Dosage Calendar

The Dosage Calendar is your daily companion. It has a page for each day of your cleansing with complete dosage instructions. download PDF(.5 MB)

For purchasing information on the Colon Cleansing Kit click "here"


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