Ian "The One" Harris
  • Male
  • Virginia Beach, VA
  • United States
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Ian "The One' Harris

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About Ian.

You have just stepped into the mind of Ian(THE ONE) Harris. Be Aware Ian is and always will be a Winner in every shape way and form of the word. Ian is a loner at heart destined to travel the world and taste find wine from distant and far off places. Willing to stand up for what is his and what is wright and not afraid to travel into the unknown and take over like the Huns did in the late six teen hundreds. These days Ian works for the resort industry promoting random resorts that need Ian's expertise and verbal linguistics to hit there sky high projections and quotas. This may be Ian's third or forth life time on this planet they call earth, Much because of his constant dejav ues and run ins with old souls hes met before on diff rent planes.

The sign that Ian carries is Pisces(THE MIGHTY FISH) The most vivid and mystical sign in the horoscope . It instantly give Ian the power to heal and unleash pleasure to the one that may be so happy to feel the fire and many many gifts that he has to bring, Ian is not one to follow any one unless your name is god !. Ian does not tolerate haters or those who want to cause harm to him or his family. Normally very reserved he will turn into a "Incredible Hulk" like state and cause mortal harm to those who dare to step up. Hense the phrase "Don't Fuck With Ian". For those of have come across this fallen angel with know wings. They say he is all they ever needed in a human being. Willing to listen to there every quim just to lift them up by saying "what need to be said". IAN has one older brother by the name of Sean "Ian looks up to Sean in many ways" Even tho Ian is very quiet at times he is always thinking of his brother and family. Ian is the one that you want in your corner and to have your back.Ian also has many brothers at arms willing to go to war for him at any given moment. For today the lord as blessed him and his family and friends with his glory and vision ............what a man !.


For any one else that would like to take a walk with him. leave a MSG and don't half step when doing so .....This is not a game.

PPS: Random ass whooping might happen while in the presence of this guy.


tip: Never ask this guy this same question more than one time.


quote: To live is to never bite your tongue for know one. (iwh) end quote: You miss one 100% of the chances you don't take ....

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At 8:44am on August 4, 2011, Erica Joy said…
Thanks for the friend invite. =) WBV!
At 10:04am on July 10, 2011, Denise La Roche said…
Wholeness "The One". welcome 2 the resistance. we r glad 2 have u with us!


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