The community of the Esoteric Teaching is divided into three circles, levels or associations: the Exoteric Circle, the Mesoteric Circle and the Esoteric Circle. The Exoteric Circle is the association of Candidates, the Mesoteric Circle is the association of Initiates, and the Esoteric Circle is the association of Masters.

To move from the ordinary life of spiritually unconscious humanoids to the Exoteric Circle, from the Exoteric Circle to the Mesoteric Circle, and from the Mesoteric Circle to the Esoteric Circle, one must acquire the mystic Keys to open the secret Gates of the Esoteric Teaching. This is accomplished by hearing the Esoteric Teaching, or the Absolute Truth, directly or indirectly from a Master Teacher who has realized it. This is the inner structure and process of all authentic esoteric schools. The Esoteric Teaching is simply the contemporary manifestation of a long tradition of such schools.

The Exoteric Circle is the association of neophyte spiritual students, or Candidates. It is the exterior social organization of the esoteric school, and its interface with the rest of human society. One enters the Exoteric Circle from ordinary life by using the Key of Desire to enter the Gate of Association.

In practice, this is done by reading books, listening to special CDs or attending public classes or seminars presented by those who are already students or initiates of the Esoteric Teaching. The Candidates of the Exoteric Circle are most numerous compared to the other Circles, which are far more exclusive and difficult to attain. Anyone can attend the public meetings, classes and other events of the Exoteric Circle, simply by desiring to know the Truth. This podcast is a typical function of the Exoteric Circle.

One develops the desire and receives the faith to advance in spiritual life by association of Candidates. And so the association of the Exoteric Circle begins the process of becoming an Initiate by entering the Mesoteric Circle through the Gate of Initiation, using the Key of Wisdom.

The Mesoteric Circle is an esoteric school composed of full-time disciples, or Initiates. These intermediate students in the esoteric school withdraw from material activities to dedicate their lives to learning the intricacies of the spiritual technology of the Esoteric Teaching. They are in touch with the Absolute Truth and have access to highly confidential material. When their knowledge matures, they may teach the beginning subjects of the Esoteric Teaching to others.

One enters the Mesoteric Circle from the Exoteric Circle by attaining the Key of Wisdom and entering the Gate of Initiation. This is done by: * Full participation in the work of the Esoteric Teaching as a student, helper or assistant teacher * Demonstration of exemplary character, enthusiasm and trustworthiness * Following the suggestions and instructions of the Master Teacher to his satisfaction * Making a lifelong personal commitment to the mission of the Esoteric Teaching * Acceptance of spiritual community life and service in close cooperation and association with the Master Teacher

The Initiates are comparatively few because they are a select group. Usually a Master Teacher accepts no more than twelve Initiates at any one time, to preserve the quality of instruction.

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