This is a presentation that I will give at a upcoming conference in Nashville TN.
It is a point by point refutation of the most popular theories regarding 2012 as well as my personal opinion about the reasons for the deception.
I tried to be as thorough as possible in the debunking process, and I was able to cover many aspects of 2012 that I hadn't already covered here on the blog or in any of my videos.

To download this presentation in mp4 format
If you would like to download the power point presentation without my commentary

If you would prefer a cliff notes version to this refutation (as this presentation is an hour long) you can view a video that I made last year called 2012 Debunked.

This is a response at least in some part to the new movie 2012 by Sony directed by Roland Emmerich. The film has an ensemble cast, including John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover, and Woody Harrelson. It can be considered a review of the movie as well as an explanations of the specific theories proposed in that movie.

Views: 166


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Comment by AceofSwords on September 16, 2011 at 6:23am

If you want to respond to the video, or better said the creator of the video you can do that here:


Niki Buzz, i'm sorry i misunderstood, I thought you said: "You are pushing your agenda like everyone else".

Wich naturally made me think you where talking to me, since I posted the vid.



Comment by Niki Buzz on September 16, 2011 at 5:12am
We are responding to the VIDEO!.......not you!
Comment by Zeropointlight on September 15, 2011 at 4:37pm
One thing that makes me think this is just keeping the status quo is the fact that the guy talking in the video at around 45:34 states "Christians don't believe in aliens." This guy obviously skipped over the first book of the bible where it explicitly talks about there being other beings on this planet namely the Nephilim. Jesus wasn't Christian either. I also like how he pulls from random internet forums lol Debunk just got debunked hahaha
Comment by Buzna on September 15, 2011 at 3:34pm
there´s a war going on outside no man is save from, you can run but you can´t hide forever ... that´s the war for your mind. great post! Even though i´m still sceptical ... I´m not going along with that new age "wholeness, brother!"-bull ... who knows what´s right? I say your gut feeling! Thanks and - "wholeness!" :) (lol)
Comment by AceofSwords on September 15, 2011 at 11:19am

Not attacking anyone, just wanted to point out this video has been made, not by me but Chris White. Also im not pushing any agenda as you can clearly see on my profile. For me it is important to view things from different angles so that my perception can be whole. If i've offended anyone the energy it is yours not mine. And I will share my thoughts to the people I care about wich is the Resistance as a whole. Maybe Chris White is a little extreme in his analyses and his personal view on the 2012 event. On the other side there are many people now taking it very serious. Some of them making total changes in the way they look at things. Even some of them left their old lives totally. What is important is that we focus less on the story of the Mayas, who where great as civilization, and more on our selfs. Become whole again and respected anything alive in the universes. This also means that you should be carefull how you take your information inside your mind and keep it. If everything is energy, and you are alchemist, spiritualist, magician, astrologer, etc. wich we all are in a sense. We will need to learn how to transform any given energy into the more potent and constructing form of it. Not by sharing selfempowerment. If i post a video here it does not mean I agree with everything that has been shown or said in it.


I wish you all wholeness, joy, empathy, happiness, luck, faith, respect and that you may accomplish every goal you have set for yourself. that you may have the power, strength, will, power and discipline to enjoy, smile and relax.

Comment by angela somerville on September 15, 2011 at 9:27am
I find your personal hypothesis to be far more inconceivable than the ones that you're purportedly debunking. Where in the bible does Jesus ask to be worshiped? What are you accomplishing? Everyone has a right to believe what they chose. Christianity requires faith, not scientific validation. Just look for the historical and archaeological records that support the existence of Jesus, and you'll find that your evidence is flimsier than that of  those you're attacking.
Comment by Niki Buzz on September 14, 2011 at 12:54pm

You are pushing your agenda like everyone else. You have no more scientific proof than the individuals that your are so-called debunking.

Faith can not be proven!


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