Straight Talk on MMS - Guest: Andreas Kalcker

Straight Talk on MMS - Guest: Andreas Kalcker Straight Talk on MMS is a "TV style" interview show that focuses on the MMS (chlorine dioxide) phenomena by int...

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Comment by jana on June 22, 2014 at 9:43pm

Thank you for posting this update, Yindi. About 4 years go I began using MMS and amongst many I experienced a heavy metallic taste in my mouth for several days while purging metals and felt much better after. I still use it on occasion and rarely get sick anymore. To save you some grief I recommend purchasing some of those empty gel capsules and some sort of small syringe to squirt the mix in and drink with plenty of water. It tastes pretty bad, enough that some people stop taking it. Feel free to ask questions, Danae, but I will post the links I ran into that introduced me to MMS as well as the main hub website for MMS.

I will also state that there are some valid opinions basically stating that perhaps parasites in the gut etc. shouldn't be so harshly killed off. MMS tends to be fairly harsh in that regard depending on how you take it. I went full boar on it and wouldn't recommend that either unless you have a toilet attached to your rear :)

Comment by Yindi on June 22, 2014 at 4:08am
Im not really sure Danae i found this information on You tube there are many other videos there on MMS i did not look at.. . i just made sure i got some and have been trying it out ,anything we can do to be proactive in stopping dis- ease is a good thing .. i do know Sevan has done some research on the topic himself , i am not sure how much info he has gained maybe he might no more or some of the other members of the site .. Wholeness :)
Comment by Danae on June 22, 2014 at 2:03am

Hi,  thank you both for sharing.  Wholeness, Balance and Vibration,

Have there been any studies on other types of cancer such as Brain?  Astra Cytoma grade 3?

thank you. 



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