You will learn the most from the expression on the faces of the actors. Not to mention Apollo is the Greek Satan and cleary a Nephalim.

Lenon Honor once again captures a masterpiece.

Views: 460


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Comment by T-K on June 8, 2010 at 5:54am
hmmm I C I C, man hollywood gots alot of insiders howd they know bout this knowledge so long ago.
Comment by Stephanie Battista on December 16, 2009 at 10:32pm
I mean it's a funny scene and now I'm almost interested to see the whole episode or at least read a synopsis. I'm guessing this is all being made out of archetypes in their consciousness by a bored alien entity. or maybe he stole some data about primitive mythology from the ship's computer.
Comment by Stephanie Battista on December 16, 2009 at 10:29pm
what is the point of this?
Comment by maria mercedes on November 12, 2009 at 4:31pm
i can't believe i used to have a crush on captain kirk when i was a kid, i just bought star trek season 1 and 2, hadn't seen them in years, i loved the original series, but just couldn't get into the rest of it, i think it's because they left out the romance after the original, and the music wasn't as good, now captain kirk just seems like an arrogant ass to me, but i still enjoy watching it.
anyways i think captain kirk represents the messiah that they have been waiting for ( the anti_christ) and spock represents the spy his partner, the Moslems have a name for him that i can't recall at this time.
and is it me, but do all the head satanist ( that aren't in the closet) appear spockesque.


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