HARRP - The Strongest Weapon In The World


* HAARP is a giant death ray, based on a design contained in the notes of inventor Nikola Tesla, seized by the FBI after his death. This is a very popular theory, probably because so much of it is actually true. Tesla claimed to have developed a death ray with a very similar configuration to HAARP's actual configuration, and the seizure of his scientific papers is a matter of public record.
* HAARP is a weather-control machine. There's a certain logic to this one as well. If a butterfly's wings beating in Tibet can cause el Nino, then a gigawatt of electromagnetic radiation ought to be good for something.
* HAARP is an earthquake machine. Also based on a bunch of weird stuff Tesla discovered. Somewhat offset by the fact the HAARP array is clearly pointed at the sky.
* HAARP is a doomsday machine ripping a hole in the earth's atmosphere. Colorful, but scienfitically questionable. How do you rip a hole in air?
* HAARP has something to do with UFOs. Either signalling them, blasting them from the skies, or feeding babies to them.
* HAARP is a giant Mind Control broadcasting machine. Appealing, but if it works, why are people still such assholes?

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