Dr. Booker T. Coleman & Dr. Gabriel Oyibo - GAGUT Theory & The Shabaka Stone PT 2


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Comment by Ngone Aw,host Gnosis Kardia, BTR on December 7, 2014 at 2:24pm

Thanks again for sharing wisdom, it has been said  " when you know, you just know" those experiences have been with me for many decades, the problem is being very analytical keeps me searching for, "How did I know that?"

Now with gratitude and being accepting of what is, I'm beginning to loose the desire to figuire things out, ie, not push so hard on the left side of the bridge and beginning to see the value in observing the energy, if that makes any sense. Since the journey is eternal, no point in pushing the canoe up stream. Janet, this could be the apple pie I ate yesterday talking....(smiling)

Wholeness & balance

Comment by janet myers on December 7, 2014 at 1:40pm

sometimes, it is like there is a little gap, a missing bit, or a hidden knowing.  and in TRUTH, we have the element of us that is ETHERAL....resonates with HIGER inner knowing, and it may be a clarity suddenly of something that we knew instinctively, but when multi sensory us resonates in vibration aligned, there comes UNION.. and so, at the right point in alignments, what you need for knowing in that moment is given. 

as you progress, in expansion, in the clearing away the layers that have hidden you and your Truth...that is within, your vital Chi, Energy,  you will feel beyond the words....beyond the babble.... and hear...in a different tune...

your vibration changes as you absorb.....what you are feeding.....your energy...

Comment by Ngone Aw,host Gnosis Kardia, BTR on December 7, 2014 at 1:08pm

Greetings Janet, thank you for your comment, yes it is wonderful to be a part of a platform that is open to learning and exploring beyond our individual social and cultural conditioning. Personally, I will have to listen to these videos several more times, (blush) just like I have to do with Sevan's videos. Wholeness & Balance 

Comment by janet myers on December 7, 2014 at 8:57am

It is wonderful to have a platform where we can join together to learn together and discover and unwrap the secrets


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