Life is full of synchronised moments. That's how I became a member. a friend is and I was curious having been in my 'wilderness' phase for a while.. 40 days 40 nights and all that.. so to speak. So I listened to / watched a couple of vids and was pleased to hear the creators not only talking sense and in an open and enquiring manner but also doing their best to back up and provide reference for their comments. That attracted me.
All too often people either perpetuate myth and fantasy or rant on seemingly unaware that what they're saying simply doesn't add up.
where matters of life and religion / spirituality are concerned it amazes me how people can be so 'certain' about events which they have not even witnessed and experienced first hand.And when questioned about the validity of this or that get all hot under the collar.
And so this is how I am. What I witness personally I know. 100% to be true. Everything else must, for me, be subject to review, because for me, it is, when all is said and done, hearsay. A story I have been told. Whether true or not. It's not something I've witnessed.
When I joined I filled in the questionnaire and in response to the question 'What is your current spiritual level of innerstanding?' I wrote: Seeker ( for I pray I will never stop). But, on reflection I've altered it to Adept. Why? Well 2 things really. 1. I'm 48 now. I got 'awakened' a long time ago, I've experienced much, travelled a bit, read/studied much and had 10's of thousands of hours of conversations will hundreds or possibly thousands of people in my life so far...maybe I've always been awake,, ( How does one measure for real anyway?) and I get fed up sometimes when I meet with a 'paid up' confirmed 'C'hristians who for some reason always assume that because I refuse to be a Christian in the same way as them that I am somehow missing out, that somehow I do not have Jesus in my heart. When in truth I may well be more christian than they:) So that's why I changed my status from seeker to adept.
I love Christianity ( The real one that is) Same way I love Islam or Buddhism. I've got, and read (parts of, but certainly not all), all their books. And my view is this: There was and is only one Christian: JC. There was and is only 1 Muslim: M. There was and is only one Buddhist: SG. Everyone else following those paths are cool to do so but what about the religion of self? The liberation of self? The discovery of Self? For is that not what those 3 wonderful men did? And is that not why they attracted others to them? For they touched, represented, in their way and style and time. Truth, But the time of savours has gone. Clearly unheeded. It's direct now, it always has been. And when you take the time and trouble to study broadly you do see that they all point towards the same thing.
I was born in Dublin, Ireland.. and my religious heritage and first contact with orthodox God was Christian. But If I'd been born in Iran or Iraq my contact would have been the Mosque and the Qran. Or If born in the high places of Nepal or Tibet it would have been the tablets of Buddhism. If on the flood planes of the river Ganges it could have been Hinduism or Siekism. My point? For many its about where we were born .. and it is strange, to me, how so many millions of 'believers' haven't even come to that basic consideration...
So folks I'm a seeker, always will be. I'm open minded. And I'm serious. Adept? mmm adept. At what? And What is the confirmation of such, because, in my experience, a lot of people seem to get very 'up' themselves, and 'holier than though' when they've come into contact with merely the outer realms of the 'fire of life', not yet realising that they have yet to overcome their not insignificant assumptions of grandeur ( Ego)..
It's said that 40 is a sacred number and it's also said that life begins at 40. Next time I might write something I discovered about this.which hopefully someone might find of interest, because for me at the time it was a mini eureka moment. It's great to know the reason for things. the foundation of things. Rather than just pass on, or accept, -- well it's tradition isn't it? When i hear those words come out of someones mouth to me that's them 'saving face', or trying to, rather than simply admitting that in truth they don't know.
In my experience its better to go slow and talk slow when studying or researching or debating such matters, for after all, much of it occured before we were born and much of it is somewhat intangible in that it lies beyond the measuring abilities of science or casual observation.
Till next time
Bless & Peace
ps Will put up a pic soonish.
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I am slowly going through the lists of members in the UK, to see if we can form a sub group here on the Resistance site for the UK. Any ideas that you may have re a group and what you would like from it would be great to hear. It is a good way for us to connect in the UK, and assist eachother in our journeys. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Welcome! Many Blessings sent to you!
Welcome to the resistance shaen, Thanks for joining, Wholeness balance vibrations