Gyasi Heavenzsun Ogunfiditimi
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  • Lorton Virginia
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Gyasi Heavenzsun Ogunfiditimi's Page

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A dream of galctic conquest.

I had a dream one night that I was being transported by biological machines who where at battle with some psychopathic humanoids in black spider like vehicles with Russian accents trying to take over the planets of some solar system the biomachines were trying to defend.
The machines lost.

At any rate I had powers like the usual... flight, energy channeling, and environment manipulation, but I was also able to perceive the world with a different awareness.
As if I was in the world, viewing the world, and was the world, all at the same time, with my focus of consciousness shifting from different perspectives over time. sometimes more in the world... sometimes more watching the world, sometimes more being the world.... but nonetheless at all times I was doing all of these.

This was a very vivid dream and the green canopy of the jungles below me and the red dust of the rocky canyons and blue and white ocean spray etc (which I felt as if that was me) was extremely pleasant to behold.
At any rate I think the best part about the whole experience were the amazing, unbridled, feelings I got. Oh joy even sorrow there was sweet.

there were also points where I experienced a form of paralysis. I could not move my body but it was moving anyway and then my focus was shifting to a different perspective.

The ship that I was in was also very interesting as it was also alive like the biomachines I was working with.
Plus, interestingly enough, My memory was horrible.
I sometimes remembered things, sometimes didn't know a thing, and at times just felt like I was a dead weight.

But believe me you, when I was moving... I was getting it!!!
I'm talking about some real freedom here flying everywhere and doing everything.

Sometimes things would go dark and I would be lost as to where I was only to be recovered by the machines.

At one point within the dream we came upon a big red rock in a desert. The the rock face became a portal of spiraling pastel colors. we went through the portal and we were in another world. The last thing I remember before waking up is that the humanoids had been able to leak a disease of some sort into this world and this disease wiped past the security this world had set up and then alas with feelings of failure and guilt the people fled, and I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat only to go back to sleep and dream it all over again.

When I awoke the next morn, sadly I had forgotten most of the dream of course.

But from what I remember there was little the reptilians involved could do with all the heat from these weapons.

interestingly enough the reptilians seemed to be working with the humanoids though they apparently never got along. The humanoids were too out of control for the reptilians who where just tryna stay afloat of the battle.

Reptilians are weak.
they don't stand a chance against the power of raw energy being cultivated by the children of the dream.

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