if you're interested in doing skype group session of kundalini, reiki therapy, etc you can sign up at this link. let me know brother. invite others if you like.wholeness
Thank you again for yet another inspiring picture. Once I saw it it instantly reminded of El Dorado. Once we find our city I believe we can finally find comfort in saying home sweet home for all of eternity. Peace and wholeness and keep up the great pictures!
Since becoming more conscience I've noticed video games hold a profound level of knowledge within their plot and help me remember the past. The most centralized one is Assassin creed but in relation to Atlantis unchartered 3 drake deception will include the main character uncovering altantis and I'm very excited about this edition and I thought maybe by sharing this with you may look into the plots or perhaps play a game or two, anyhow thank you for the wonderful picture and I wish you the best in all your endeavours
Stopping by to say hello. Thank you for the image, it is beautiful. For some reason which has nothing to do with this site, I cannot answer back. All sorts of things are happening down here and I'm constantly on and offline.
Your very welcome, and thank you for excepting it, it always makes my heart smile to find people in search of the same light of unity. and truth. We are all in this search together, for a better world to live. Namaste my friend..
Hey Robert just wanted to stop by and send some wholeness your way just watched a video you posted a while back very touching I needed to see that im glad i came across it. Thanks to all who make this the Resistance family much love
ΩΩΩ≈≈≈ thankyou robert for connecting ... i am new to this site + still finding my way around after reading the code to the matrix ... blessings love + light to you as we co=create ≈≈≈ violet chrissy ≈≈≈ΩΩΩ
Wow! I love this! Thank you, RobertO. I wish you the same, and thank you for the impressive information as well as for this beautiful active image, it reaches deep down inside me.
Thank you, I'll never stop thanking you.
You know, I'm out of breath. I've been reading the Code and it took my breath away. I had read certain things, but this is soooooooo much!!!!!!!!!
I'll be digesting it slowly, for the first time in my life, I've only taken time to enjoy nature and all there's in it, never stopped to understand the kind of energy that bothered me. This is a new journey to me...
I loved your greeting,
Love and light,
RobertODurantE's Comments
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if you're interested in doing skype group session of kundalini, reiki therapy, etc you can sign up at this link. let me know brother. invite others if you like.wholeness
Hey Rob
THis is to refer back to your Atlantis picture.
Since becoming more conscience I've noticed video games hold a profound level of knowledge within their plot and help me remember the past. The most centralized one is Assassin creed but in relation to Atlantis unchartered 3 drake deception will include the main character uncovering altantis and I'm very excited about this edition and I thought maybe by sharing this with you may look into the plots or perhaps play a game or two, anyhow thank you for the wonderful picture and I wish you the best in all your endeavours
Stopping by to say hello. Thank you for the image, it is beautiful. For some reason which has nothing to do with this site, I cannot answer back. All sorts of things are happening down here and I'm constantly on and offline.
I send you lots of love until the next time,
You know, I'm out of breath. I've been reading the Code and it took my breath away. I had read certain things, but this is soooooooo much!!!!!!!!!
I'll be digesting it slowly, for the first time in my life, I've only taken time to enjoy nature and all there's in it, never stopped to understand the kind of energy that bothered me. This is a new journey to me...
I loved your greeting,
Love and light,
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