Karrade's Comments

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At 2:34pm on November 17, 2014, Marina Luna said…

Hi Mark! Just wanted to say hello and I see that you are well on your journey!  Your research is great and I look forward to seeing more from you! Take care! Wholeness! 

At 10:44am on October 29, 2014, Nicole WildRose said…

where do you currently reside? yes i have felt greatly isolated the past year but i was just undergoing a huge change in my vibrational environment, but we are never alone! all the best to you !

At 10:12pm on March 21, 2014, jana said…

Saw your post on internal oppression/suppression. Seems if you have sailed past kundalini yoga as a means to kickstart the cosmic flow within, that it may be deeper than chakra spins. I wonder, have you integrated your chakras into a column I notice they can someties oscillate between states. But deeper, and this probably goes without saying for you (I am just somewhat recognizing your 'state'),  I have found that many opp/supp programs are held in cells, etc. These small bits then need to vibrate higher in order to shake the program. To each their own way of accomplishing this. I seemed to have 'unseen' teachers which assist/ed me. Music, nature, all the goods :) Collaboration with others. healing 'inner child.' I re member a meditation during which I saw my electrons/etc cleansed through the toroidal spin that was around at the time. Have a good weekend.

At 12:50am on February 6, 2014, daniel sunn said…

do you care to expound on the 'white field'?

At 11:31pm on June 1, 2013, jana said…

Well said. In my 'wanderings,' within myself and observing external pieces of me, I see that taking responsibility can be a difficult mire to trudge. Culture is taught to blame and externalize all inner intents/choices/'mistakes.' Where do such things as child abuse fall in the realm of choice. Often one becomes stronger healing through such experience, eluding to a choice to regain wholeness suffering through such things. I tell some suffering that the most beautiful flowers grow from the biggest pile of %$&^ :-)

'Follow the light.' Ok. And here we are. Does it irritate you to observe other pieces of you coercing you/me/us/all to take paths they know lead to fracture? Or do you consider it a necessary evolvement/involvement process? Or something else entirely? And jointly--when does one know when to cease 'helping' other pieces. Does that ever end until wholeness is reached? Ah. Wholeness exists now.  I for one have been enjoying the dawning spring here, always amazed at the natural world. Have fun with the flies :-)

At 10:52pm on May 27, 2013, jana said…

Hey there Mark how are you? I watched the discourse by Nithyananda Dhyanapeeta you posted the other day.  Seems he is definitely tapped in. To what? I would like your opinion when time permits.  I innerstand many have sought to undermine translations of truth. When a discourse begins with, essentially, 'this cannot be altered, it is already whole,' I tune in for better or worse :-) Interesting the concept that being born is a sort of rebellion against creator. I wonder then are we rebelling against ourselves? Perhaps i am angry at myself for being born and am rebelling against myself. Tis possible :-) In the meantime, when a child takes his or her first breath of life here in this space/time, game on! The game is still on. Innerstanding that has changed my course for now. Gratitude for leading me to further innerstanding. Have a great week!

At 8:28pm on May 22, 2013, jun perez said…

Thanks for the add, Mark, I would like to comment further on my "dicoveries" on crytals as i use them on my sutle energy devices but, I'm still waiting for the "effects" of my new device as I intend to post soon. Great to have you as a friend.

At 7:32am on May 10, 2013, janet myers said…

Hi Mark,

Like your crystals. 

Would love to meet with you.  I was halted by Kishaun in any 'meetings', she said we should have a skype group, so do group chats, which I guess she would be facilitating.

However, I agree with Sevan.  He said about the physicality of actually being with people.  This brings it to a whole other level.  I think we would all benefit so greatly by meeting up face to face in the UK, and finding some direction that we wish to take a UK group.  We are a very different country to USA, Please, I would be very interested in your thoughts, and then may just take this straight to Sevan, as it becomes like chinese whispers.  Hear say.  

my email is


as also my skype id.

love and light


At 3:07am on September 8, 2012, ヅSun☼Spirit ヅ said…

Hey there Mark...kk....

The long brown large crystal is a smokey quartz wand.....

The other egglike stones on either side of the Smokey are Lingams

Heres the wiki on those guys...


Theres is a citrine at the top right of the circle...and the quartz wand at the top left of the circle...

There is one of my raw opals (pink) at the mid left of the circle..is that the one you were referring too Mark??  :)

At 3:25pm on September 6, 2012, ヅSun☼Spirit ヅ said…

This was created by me and my 2 friends on July 21-22 2012...

an intro to the Sun in Leo....

We welcomed the sunrise in a beautiful park..

and combined all our stones that we had on us together into this sigil....

this pattern was then made into a reiki sigil that I am using today...a "rebirth" sigil....;)

At 11:24am on August 30, 2012, John Malcolm Scott said…

Hearty thanks for your welcome, Mark!

I followed up the link from '2012' and found myself here; a creation being created and in turn creator !


At 5:52am on August 8, 2012, daniel winter said…

feel free to link

my notes re kundalini biomechanics


At 3:45am on August 8, 2012, daniel winter said…
At 3:44am on August 8, 2012, daniel winter said…
At 8:40am on August 2, 2012, Samuel Adam Alder said…

wholeness MARK

At 11:14pm on July 19, 2012, Sylvia said…

I think you are more advanced than I at understanding all this wonderful information here on this site. Thank you for your kind words and glad I can be of some help. I just found that video just after you mentioned wondering about the pyramids of Egypt on the chat room.

At 6:46am on July 17, 2012, Ruby Slippers said…

Thank you for your kind comment, I am at the stage where I still don't know what I seek, but  think someday I may find it, or it may find me! 

At 11:38pm on May 10, 2012, Stephanie McLeay said…

Hi Mark, thanks for your comment, I hope to have a better look around and really learn more, amazing so far what I have read and seen.  =)

At 2:20pm on May 10, 2012, Denz said…

Most welcome for the link :) Please check my twitter feed for other updates!


WBV, Denz..

At 3:26pm on April 19, 2012, Marina Luna said…

Many Blessings to you! :) Hope you are enjoying your magical day! :) :)


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