Janet myers's Comments

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At 3:27pm on November 14, 2014, Chris A said…

Hey Janet! :)

Thank you for the kind welcome to The Resistance. Very excited to be here and among so many brilliant minds - truly. I've been following James/Sevan for over 3 years, finally decided to join up.^_^

I'll be making my profile more "complete" in the days ahead and soon after certainly to engage and participate in the discussion and whatever else I'm able to.

Wholeness and Balance to you too sister

At 12:16am on November 12, 2014, Louise Jensen said…

Thank you Janet for acknowledging my presence on this site. It has indeed thus far proven to be highly informative. As a seeker I hope to find the information here to assist me in my inner journey to evolve to love me from the onslaught of inner hate (reflecting on the outside of a myriad of traumatic and negative events).  Rather overwhelmed and realise there is much inner work to do!

At 6:12pm on November 11, 2014, India Irie Sanatana Dharma said…

Thank u soo soo much! I've listened to everything he has posted, lol!!! It resonates like home! Namaste <3

At 1:28pm on November 11, 2014, Ivy Hickman said…


Your warm welcome to new members at The Resistance is so essential and I am grateful for your presence.  Your profile reflects that you are extremely adept and I would be ever so thankful if you can assist me. Up until 3 months ago, before I learned about The Resistance, I had never talked to anyone "OPENLY" about my "disability". HERE, everyone has either had some spiritual encounter or seeking to ascend to a higher plain and I am so excited to finally have found a HOME..  You see, I have a condition called Narcalypsy.

All of my life, I have had several encounters with dark matter and other forms of energy. Some reserved and observing.Then there are others that are scary and physical; leaving scratches in the form of a V..W or H. . I used to think it was some sort of curse because I am the 9th child, had a fractured skull at 9 months was born at 3:51 am=9 lol.  During the day I may doze off ...dream an entire dream in color...wake up ...recall the entire dream..look at the clock...and only 3 minutes may have past.

Doctors claim they don't know much about this "rare disorder" or it's origins and for years I  accepted that REALITY. But then I heard Sevan say that their IS a solution to every problem.. .because the problem could not exist unless their was already a solution. When I shared my experiences in the past, friends would say they wish they were able to have that ability. They have no idea how terrifying cataplexy and sleep paralysis can be when they occur simultaneously. My mind is fully conscious during the state in which my body is transitioning into sleep. I am very vulnerable and so is my spirit. Whether it be a gift or curse, I need to learn how to maneuver in this spirit world. If you have any knowledge about Narcalypsy or advice...please let me know...


At 12:18pm on November 7, 2014, Duke Forbes said…

Thanks for the welcoming Janet.

At 8:07am on November 7, 2014, Ngone Aw,host Gnosis Kardia, BTR said…
Greetings Janet, thank you for the warm welcome. I'ts exciting being in and on this journey and overwhelming at the same time. The site is so vast. Upon discovery of Sevan apporoximately two weeks ago, it's been like one big download, really at one point it felt like it may have been something like a google crash event..LOL, too much too soon. Looking forward to moving into balance and limitlessness, first steps on the journey will require some big changes in my life walk at this point. Feeling up to the challenge after a short respid, ready to explore the Ominverse within. Thanks again
At 9:27pm on November 6, 2014, Tiana said…

Thanks so much Janet a starting point is great advice it can be overwhelming when you want to learn so much!  Wholeness

At 9:48pm on November 5, 2014, J Kaiser said…
Thank you for the warm welcome I def took your advice
At 8:21pm on November 5, 2014, Clara Miller said…

Thank you Janet!

At 2:11pm on November 5, 2014, Mark Thomas said…

Thank you for the warm welcome and recommendation. I look forward to sharing in all of the blessings available on this portal.

At 12:51pm on November 5, 2014, Terry Dika said…

Thanks Janet

At 12:32am on November 4, 2014, J Kaiser said…
I Appreciate the warm welcome.
At 12:24am on October 31, 2014, john doe said…

thank you.I appreciate that

At 1:20am on October 30, 2014, samuel patrick julian said…

yep I keep trying every few days.

At 10:41pm on October 29, 2014, Daniel DeForest said…

Thanks for the welcome! glad to be here!

At 6:46pm on October 29, 2014, Kathryn Harriet Miller said…
Greetings Janet! Thank you for reaching out. :)
At 11:40am on October 29, 2014, Daniel Aka said…

Thank you for that welcome. Glad to be aboard.

At 5:02am on October 29, 2014, Azore Harris said…

Thank you 

At 9:46pm on October 28, 2014, Alice Angelakos said…

Hello Janet! Nice to meet you. Thank you for the welcome.

Blessings of Beauty!

At 10:08am on October 28, 2014, Nicole Perez said…
Please let me know if there are any books u recommend that I read. I am currently listening to Sevan`s archived messages and learning a lot. Thanks again for the very warm welcome.


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