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book of life
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Comment Wall (4 comments)
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greetings i can help you find a few videos to start you of. have you watched any Resistance video in the past. sevan is the host of the shows/podcast s etc.?
let me no so i can Gage where you are as some of his videos are very deep.
Comment Wall (4 comments)
You need to be a member of THE OFFICIAL RESISTANCE to add comments!
pleasure is all mine thank you and keep in touch
start with astral quest season 1 and go through them until season 3
mindblowing information and also remember to chill out a bit as well & injoy the journey ;0)
greetings i can help you find a few videos to start you of. have you watched any Resistance video in the past. sevan is the host of the shows/podcast s etc.?
let me no so i can Gage where you are as some of his videos are very deep.
then we can get you started ;0)
be cool all is good
Greetings & welcome to the resistance
here is a link to the new members section with some great information