Tony Lutz
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Tony Lutz's Page

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Who, What, Why?


■ Tony Lutz, see personal website for more about me, but briefly:

■ Long-term student/practitioner of the 4th Way -- the focus of which has consistently been to develop self-remembering and to work on the Seven primary obstacles to self-awareness.

■ Skier from age 4 to age 57

■ Always the new kid when growing up. (I lived in (9) different houses,
   and attended (7) different schools before graduating from high school.)

■ 1970 Former Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam War era.

    (see: How I began "the Work")

■ 1980-2007 Manager and eventually the owner of a tool & equipment rental company 

■ 2008 to present: Retired, resident of the Philippines.
    (see: How I got here)


Unconscious Procreation and Human Rights


Reason 38:
There can be no doubt the Elite are implanting the children with corrupt ideas.

They propagate and insinuate war while the child is still growing; thus it becomes more natural later on in life. It is no "Sur"prise to see the Dragon and Skulls mixed in with this poor child’s cache of death dealing plastic.

Reason 62:
TAEL-Tale- Tail- We come to our favorite Reptilian appendage the tail along with the word always used for the erroneous stories we are told especially as children i.e. Fairy Tales, Wives Tales, and Tall Tales.

Reason 70:
Childhood stories of Knights, Princesses, and Dragons all serve to mold the mind for future indoctrination.

Reason 97:
Thousands of children every year are indoctrinated into Animist religions depriving them of their true potential.

Reason 121:
Seeing movies like Angels in the Outfield analyzed by Film Expert Lennon Honor on YouTube revealed profound amounts of Pedophilia.

It is clear Disney and his group of Dark Magicians are out to hurt children, introduce dark magic into the household, and bring about the continued plan of population mind control.


Just as we faced as children a constant array of sick suggestive media indoctrination, the new generation faces a hybrid version of the same thing. Parents are unknowingly opening the gate of negative forces to the children at an early age. It may be fun to watch the baby dance to your favorite hip/hop or rock song, but what is it actually doing to such an innocent unprotected mind?

Especially since it is not condoned but promoted by the only person the child may know as its guide at such a young age. I’m not saying this needs to change, I believe its to late for that, most children now run their parents, what I am bringing light to is the results of such things. Like I said before the hybrid version of indoctrination wants more than just the innocent body, it wants the Soul.

Many parents are responsible for delivering it to the Deity on a silver saucer because they are themselves under illusions.

Reason 144:
If there is a God that wants us to sacrifice our children to Him then we have a war at hand. I’m saying this after millions of children have already been sacrificed and thousands continue to disappear. Who will face this foe? Bomar has fastened his Armor and who will join him?

Reason 153:
Walt Disney put so much work and emphasis on Animation because he was deeply involved in creating the framework for the new wave of

animalistic mind control <em>

that began on a person as a child.

Reason 155:
Disney, along with other very sick men positioned themselves to be the corrupters of the innocent youth. The fantasy world of Disney was the fantasy of a satanic pedophile that we all had to visit because our parents knew no better. What you don’t know "can" hurt you.

Since I’m really in this for the children I have a special assignment to dethrone this Devil Disney.

Reason 157:
When the child is born the damage begins through the procedures the doctors are using. Remember that Doctors are under the Oath of Caduceus and have sworn to uphold many things detailed in the Oath that most Doctors don’t even understand what they really mean. It is almost like putting your right hand over your heart and pledging your allegiance to the flag.

Reason 158:
When a baby is born the incandescent light located on most birth tables does extensive damage to the child’s retina. This begins the process of stopping the child from naturally seeing other dimensions thus other life forms.

Next they begin the shots which lower the child’s vibration dramatically through the injection of viruses that are foreign to the system.
The delivery procedure has now reached a state of barbarism with the advent of the Caesarian Section/Caesar/Sea Snake. The child no longer experiences even coming through the mother’s birth canal which is a very sacred time for a baby which prepares them for entry into this world.

Instead the baby is cut out.

Reason 159:
Next the baby is placed in a crib which normally is fitted with bars. The baby has its first maddening experience with the cage/cube.
As the tot begins to get older it is introduced to cartoons. The word begs one to ask what exactly is being "Tuned". A quick search will show that "Car" was actually a blood thirsty Deity that abused children but is that such a stretch to what’s really going on in an innocent children’s cartoon?

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At 2:31pm on April 8, 2015, Morad said…

Thanks for accepting my friends request i really liked what you wrote and out of interest have you read the matrix series.?

At 8:41am on April 8, 2015, Morad said…

Greetings Tony and welcome to the resistance

here is a link to the new members section with some great information




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