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A Return To Love by: Marianne Williamson
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Comment Wall (3 comments)
You need to be a member of THE OFFICIAL RESISTANCE to add comments!
Hey there you made it :) Welcome! As a seeker I am sure you will find answers to many of your questions here. I was able to link some pieces to the puzzle by absorbing much of this info. as the energy and intent are true. Thanks for your recommends as well I look forward to checking them out. Let me know if you have questions and I'm sure I'll see you soon :) In fact I'll let you know when the group meets at the villa next. Topics range from this to that but if there is a rule it is surely that we not judge one another.
Welcome to the Resistance family. Happy to see you and send well wishes your way on this never ending journey") Click the link below: ShareINAll
Wholeness! Welcome to the Resistance family, When I first came on to the site, I found that it was helpful to click on the Home Page START HERE and allow Sevan to guide through the site and very insightful concepts I thought, too. I wish you well, Janet.
Comment Wall (3 comments)
You need to be a member of THE OFFICIAL RESISTANCE to add comments!
Hey there you made it :) Welcome! As a seeker I am sure you will find answers to many of your questions here. I was able to link some pieces to the puzzle by absorbing much of this info. as the energy and intent are true. Thanks for your recommends as well I look forward to checking them out. Let me know if you have questions and I'm sure I'll see you soon :) In fact I'll let you know when the group meets at the villa next. Topics range from this to that but if there is a rule it is surely that we not judge one another.
Welcome to the Resistance family. Happy to see you and send well wishes your way on this never ending journey") Click the link below: ShareINAll
Wholeness! Welcome to the Resistance family, When I first came on to the site, I found that it was helpful to click on the Home Page START HERE and allow Sevan to guide through the site and very insightful concepts I thought, too. I wish you well, Janet.