Lady of Black Earth
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  • New Orleans,
  • Nigeria
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Just A Conversation...

LADY OF BLACK EARTH: Wait a minute, are you really auctioning off divine wisdom, healing, and "much much more", from my tribal way of life??! There is nothing wrong with receiving offering, but capitalizing on what you should now be teaching your community (to free them from ignorance and pain) is foul.

Between You [Lady of Black Earth] and Kambiri de Suza

Kambiri de Suza August 14 at 10:04am
I noticed a message that u sent allow me to answer. When you have advice to give to persons that advice is free when you have to teach to rent, a space to accomodate persons to give divine knowledge it is not free. Ifa /Yoruba tradition have odus that specify a fee and that is from time immorial.
In my space we do not charge a fee for advice but there are persons who will come to you for years and never bring a bottle of honey or water they are intent on taking. For Seminars you must pay why would you be changing the law s of the universe You give you receive.
When someone has to teach a Seminar or give knowledge in this material world it cannot be for free where am I going to get the oils the crystals etc please reconsider, when you went to school to be educated you had to buy the books.
Olodumare takes care of the priest/priestess the money they make help facilate the space and whatever material that a priest/priestess offer hope you'll understand.

Lady of Black Earth August 14 at 11:36am
While I do, indeed, appreciate your taking the time to fully express yourself, I must now respond with this rebuttal:

After speaking what was on my heart [justice], I had at that time called it a wrap; I was willing to let the blind continue lead the blind on this matter. This was until you and Co. saught to further try to justify materialism in a spiritual world [Ile-Ife] to me. I now see that I must be evermore upright in more clearly expressing what it is that I have said...

Money is currency. It is, therefore, a form of energy. When "Oludumare, takes care of the priest/priestess", this energy comes in many forms [i.e. offerings & blessings] and from many different directions. This particular form of energy, "money" AKA "energy", is draining the Da from the very people who you and Co. are claiming to heal, including yourselves. You and Co. are, again, capitalizing on both truth and knowledge [which is for all] to supplement income that has been lost during initiatory rites and behind your chasing behind the Babylon System [as if you are down with sucking the blood of its sufferers]. It's a vicious cycle that will continue, unless you wise up to being the change that you are "suppose" to be part of.

Things are changing all around us, and money is becoming obsolete. If y'all were truly gifted in the occult, you would (more sincerely) understand the need to help those who truly wish to be helped, and focus/direct/invest more of your energies into helping people help themselves, instead of making them dependent upon something out side of them. Am not saying that it's easy, because I do, indeed, practice what I preach and realize this. If SPIRIT does not move without, how will SPIRIT move within?

*Yeah, I would like a 5 bedroom home, but the first thing that comes to mind is, "wouldn't everybody else"? There needs to be a shift in focus.

Kambiri de Suza August 15 at 7:59am
In the book of Odus there is never a time that an offering is mentioned without asking for cowries which was the official money of that time I find you rather small minded with the intent to abuse a thought or a process that is strange to you
Just as you wish for a five bedroom House, through divine inspiration I bought one when I had just one dollar left in the bank a real example of Olodumare taking care of me. We have what is called free will and with it we can wait around or with it we can create I am again saying even if you went by an old lady to learn there would be an exchange of some kind that exchange is what we call payment and payment in this material world is called services and or money. let us realise that we can no longer dialog this point.There is an Yoruba proverb that says "If you never ask the question you will never get the answer"
Since you never asked the question I expect the answer will elude you Oda

Lady of Black Earth August 15 at 8:48am

I am that I am, and this includes Yoruba (through both my father and mother). My ancestors speak directly to me, just as they had when they divinely influenced Odudwa during the writing of the Odus. What has, and still is taking you all of these years to figure out, with your little honey, oils, and initiation monies during this one lifetime, I have access to without a third party.

Instead of settling on "sucking the blood of sufferers" to maintain material illusion, You should be focused on trying to graduate [ascend/evolve] into an even higher level of consciousness; cultivating a new spirit, mind, and reality for ALL. Y'all charlatans (the long lost Yoruba of the Empire) are sooo cocky with this knowledge once you receive it, that y'all can't wait to exploit and then justify exploitation by using the words of another man (just like the created man)--instead of going directly to the source to gauge if what YOU, yourself, are doing is right, or wrong.

I respect the age that you have on you, the wisdom that comes with raising 10 kids and all, however, don't think that the buck stops here. Keep on trying to justify the spirit of greed that you and Odudwa call upon and see where you are when this, "...material world..." passes away. You were correct in regurgitating Yoruba philosophy properly, "Since you never asked the question I expect the answer will elude you..." (I commend you), however, I never asked you anything--therefore I have no illusions. It is you, whose eyes I seek to wipe the illusion from, my dear. I have had enough of you.

*May you go on about your business, and one fine day reach holiness [wholeness]--ASE.

Kambiri de Suza August 15 at 8:50am
now to this piece of fockery you have written have a good fucking day and dont write back you will be blocked


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At 2:13pm on March 25, 2013, janet myers said…


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May you have a wonderful journey in your discoveries here....there is so much to explore.  We are a friendly bunch of folk, and the chat room is always open, if you have any questions, about anything at all, someone will have an answer, and if not, then we find it together....|

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Wholeness, Balance and Vibration..



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