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Living with Kundalini - Gopi Krishna
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Comment Wall (4 comments)
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At 12:07pm on December 30, 2013, janet myers said…
Fabian, I am happy to hear you do not feel lost!! You have just been found! hee hee!!
At 10:48am on December 30, 2013, janet myers said…
Welcome to the Official Resistance! I found when I joined this site, the best place to begin, is on the home page, START HERE, for New Members. Sevan guides you through and it really is enlightening. May you have a wonderful journey. Janet.
Comment Wall (4 comments)
You need to be a member of THE OFFICIAL RESISTANCE to add comments!
How are you getting on with the Code to the Matrix?
Thank you! and....Happy New Year!
Fabian, I am happy to hear you do not feel lost!! You have just been found! hee hee!!
Welcome to the Official Resistance! I found when I joined this site, the best place to begin, is on the home page, START HERE, for New Members. Sevan guides you through and it really is enlightening. May you have a wonderful journey. Janet.