David Michel Black
  • Male
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • United States
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The Power of Now
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I feel the exercise generates quite a grand buzz - very clear and cognitive - and for me it stimulates hemispheric sync / pineal activity. This is good since it's not just specific energy that's active and unwieldy. Instead it's integrated.

I have just been reading variations of this out loud:

I breathe myself present, through the center of my Heart

Imploding my Heart chakra into a harmonic field of current

...I am a coherent field of Bliss...Fully present and embedded

...I am coherent Chi

I breathe myself present, through the center of my Heart

Imploding my Heart chakra into a toroidal field of Current

allowing it to cascade

encompassing my throat chakra and my navel chakra

into one toroidal field of current

...I am a coherent field of Bliss...Fully present and embedded

...I am coherent Chi

I breathe myself present, through the center of my Heart

Imploding my Heart chakra into a toroidal field of Current

allowing it to cascade

encompassing my 3rd eye chakra and my sacral chakra

into one toroidal field of current

...I am a coherent field of Bliss...Fully present and embedded

...I am coherent Chi

I breathe myself present, through the center of my Heart

Imploding my Heart chakra into a toroidal field of Current

allowing it to cascade

encompassing my crown chakra and my root chakra

into one toroidal field of current

...I am a coherent field of Bliss...Fully present and embedded

...I am coherent Chi

I breathe myself present, through the center of my Heart

Imploding my Heart chakra into a toroidal field of Current

allowing it to cascade

encompassing the chakra above my crown to just below my knees

into one toroidal field of current

...I am a coherent field of Bliss...Fully present and embedded

...I am coherent Chi

I breathe myself present, through the center of my Heart

Imploding my Heart chakra into a toroidal field of Current

allowing it to cascade

encompassing the 2nd chakra above my crown to just below my feet

into one toroidal field of current

allowing the current to embed into an fractal field of Bliss

I Am a Heart Harmonic field

Present and aware, 

an imploding charge of Inner chi ...

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At 5:23pm on October 3, 2014, Kishaun said…

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