I found a link to this website while searching for info on "free energy" magnet motors and how to harness resources that exist without having to destroy things like our planet.
I am pretty sure there is a flow and it can produce power to use our cool devices. I am pretty sure we can harness this flow without disrupting it or destroying things.
Through this search I saw some video where some guy is going on about lies and misinformation perpetuated through out history for all kinds of wrong reasons. This guy was saying stuff I felt for a very long time.
One of those defining moments in what I believe started to happen and in the end the biggest question is how bonehead is that whole linear, big bang, alpha/omega story and why do so many not even think to question it.
I tend to be kind of a flake, anti-social because I think I am completely misunderstood and I just never quite fit in enough to the point of finally being approved for SSI disability.
I would really like to know more about stuff and learn how to translate what I feel into something that can pay my bills and provide that feeling that I did something good to better something worth bettering. I am curious if there is anything here for me or not.
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