Welcome to The Official Resistance site. We are a buzzing community that cares about eachother and values the sharing of the processes that one goes through in coming into the fullness of their Whole Being. My name is Janet Myers, and when I came onto the site, the first place that was of greatest help to me, was the New Members section. This can be found on the home page. Follow the videos and watch and learn and receive in abundance!
If there are any questions that you have, then there are many resouces on the site, look at the headings on the top of the page, and there is always the chat room, where someone at some point will help with a question.
Enjoy your journey and have a wonderful experience of YOU!
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Welcome to the Resistance family, Charles. Happy to see you and wish you well on your spiritual journey")
For more information about the Resistance, check out the links below.
Welcome to The Official Resistance site. We are a buzzing community that cares about eachother and values the sharing of the processes that one goes through in coming into the fullness of their Whole Being.
My name is Janet Myers, and when I came onto the site, the first place that was of greatest help to me, was the New Members section. This can be found on the home page. Follow the videos and watch and learn and receive in abundance!
If there are any questions that you have, then there are many resouces on the site, look at the headings on the top of the page, and there is always the chat room, where someone at some point will help with a question.
Enjoy your journey and have a wonderful experience of YOU!
Wholeness. Balance. Vibration