If heaven comes on earth.
Not only health and long life will be present,
But also money as good as can for everyone the same.
And food, and all things are available.
And if heaven doesn't come on earth,
money for a small group of people,
health by lottery for everyone a chance,
long life. A desire for all.
I hope for life, everyone withoug egoism,
Everyone money at the same amount.
does that look good,
Not for them that are now wealthy and the few best men.
ionize air, beam with color laser. and get 3d tv, 3d objects for real.
get magnets in little particles, let them float over electronic magnets.
And point them to places above it.
A solid 3d object beamer.
heavy water. is possible. Show movies, and views in a lake of water.
The technology is simple.
Use it today as giving people some delight.
Swim between illusionary sharks and dolphins
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