One thing I can admire are those who continue to search for the meaning to all of this, I salute you. Here is a big clue, its coming from Venus. When they say Sons of God (Asuras) then who was their mother? Yah had his Asherah no? Asherah is Venus. Thus the Sons were on Venus these Sons were depicted as Serpents or Naga. You will find the true legends of the Naga within the Ancient Texts of Ethiopia, Voodun Pantheism, Tibetan Texts, and even the Necromicon. Further you will find the Symbol of Venus is the Pentagram which is known as Arra/Ar/Ub but to you it is just Phi. Phi is in fact the structure of Man and a great deal of this Planet which is also inside of a Dodecahedron, Leonardo already proved that. Phi also creates the Golden Rectangle or Door hence the term Rabbit Hole. Dalet or Door is Venus. Venus is the Fertility component or Empress of all Masculine planets which is why as a pun she became known as a Harlot or on who has many men, especially Saturn who is called Seeder whose tree is also Cedar. Saturn dropped many seeds into the womb/matrix. Further Phi is indeed fire as they say the Sons of God, thats you men, burned with passion for the woman, which is basically his other half after it was removed from him when he was androgen and made externalized. This was hidden in the parable of the rib or removed from Adam. Adam only means a female and a male combined not just a man. ADAM DA = Father as in Daddy and MA is...well you know. The entire dimension is built on duality and externalization which makes for a long trip if you are supposed to be internal. Man has been tesseracted into this dimension, a tesseracted is a cross. Woman births beings into external worlds or crosses them over. There is an Omen in Women so let us crack the "Miss tery". Opposites attract and because the female pole is negative man is looking for his opposite pole to power up or activate thus kundalini comes into play, but before man can do this he must face Kali/Medusa symbolized as snakes as all energy components often are in the ancient texts. Here you will find the destroyer which most are afraid of until they learn that fear is negative thus it does not really exist, we give it the power to exist because we are positive. Ever tried to pull -$500 out of the bank? The destroyer can basically destroy habits that you could not break with your own energy. As it passes through the chakras it purifies the centers unleashing untold abilities while cycling power or it produces energetic collapse on the unworthy initiate. The Pentagram is a Pen and until one figures all this out they are trapped in a 5 sense reality. UR means Fire hence the turn Urth/Earth or Fire. They are always fighting over women here because the major wars are actually over land not religion, the land is female. There is much more to this such as the 5:8 nature of the orbit of Venus and Earth. 5:8 is also Phi. The mountains of Venus are made of Pyrite, or Fools "Gold". Pyramids were originally called Golden Houses by the Chinese. So it is clear the Sons of God brought the Pyramid Cults and the knowledge of Mysticism and a great deal of things to this Planet. This I tell you all from experience as I have no time to read anymore only experience as I'm still the Observer of Spheres and I am with you, Outside of Time. The Resistance2010 is an ongoing thing, always growing upright and it has become with the assistance of so many The University of the World. James Evans Bomar III

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