Views: 46

Comment by Du@Ly.Plane0 on November 12, 2012 at 12:04pm

" Free energy machines have been designed and built since early this century. Nicola Tesla invented the Tesla coil in the 1920’s, a method of tapping into the Earth’s own energy systems. All American warships built since 1993 have been equipped with mono polar engines which use spinning magnets to generate power. There is now even an oil tanker equipped with this nonpolluting low cost power genera


Why have we, the general public, not got access to these non-polluting, low cost devices? Could it have something to do with the fact that oil and power companies have either bought up the patents or suppressed public access to these technologies by more underhand means? Why? Could it perhaps have something to do with continued profit and control? Your own research will reveal the truth.”

- Spirit Guide, Raym


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