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Comment by janet myers on November 8, 2012 at 4:56pm

its ok....I have looked them up and found them.

Comment by janet myers on November 8, 2012 at 4:49pm

You ve done it again....:'Lumerian Elders?' I know not of these either.  We have had exposure to different is good to share.....Your Soulkin and Guides are welcome.  I feel like I have seen this image before somehow. I have been amazed at things I can relate to with the WingMakers site.....and again, I looked at the paintings and in part, I understood. 

Comment by janet myers on November 8, 2012 at 7:32am

It says.....they are coming. They are there. Present.

Comment by janet myers on November 8, 2012 at 7:19am

Where do I start? It feels ancestoral. Light ancestors. the levels are shown. Signs meaning'openings' and 'harvest' are shown repeatedly. there is so much space...universal of light/energy/power are used by the beings. very shamanic. Honour to Life. Spirit. tje beings are showing different energies that are linked to them. tiers of levels...dimensions.  the north, south, east above so below....are contained.....the life giving energy is is given in light, colours, roots, electrical energy.....planet constilations...In the centre of a pyramid you have these energies so much......the repetition of the symbol of wholeness. One tier on the right shows ; opening harvest of 5levels then another opening one harvest to a seperation occurs that is  also an outward could be said that fertility of new beginings. fire/torch/opening leads to long times of going through the levels.....until one is a giving...seperateness that is also part of the light/universe/ unfolding of universe/ creation of universe.......the ancestors.......are within the Light. Transmitting. all directions. As is with tribal ceremony, the directions are honoured. the universe acknowledged.....Higher Realm .....It is not just without, it is within.

Comment by janet myers on November 8, 2012 at 6:34am

I have been wanting to connect with others if there are any at all who are like me.....I have searched and searched and have as yet, not come across anything......I see others connect....this, may just be resonates....Yes, I grew up til 11-12 in australia.....I have taught tribal art....roots those who want to know roots through art....but, it is a very personal journey for one to is like allowing the soul/spirit, to do it.....generally through fingr tips

Thankyou to your Guide....and to you.....I feel most emotional....a sense of hope,relief....that there is someone / something, other than just me, as is as I am.....

Comment by janet myers on November 8, 2012 at 6:14am

I have paused to come back to you body broke into goosebumps....I am amazed at what I see, read. Words that I myself have written, gosh, even my twitter written in these words.....the images show symbols they say is a language that I too have in my art....esp the aboriginal tribal art. so much of what I have done over the years I am seeing.....this feels like a touch of home somehow.....

Comment by janet myers on November 8, 2012 at 5:38am

This is one of the most loved pieces of my art by many. This is like the colour energy I see ....I try to show in my art the form of energy, give an image, show the invisible to make it visible for others to see....I have not heard the term "wingmakers' before. This is new to me.  Some art of mine can be seen on facebook as Artist Janet Myers. There has been a huge surge of creativity within me to be expressed in art form, I have not uploaded photos of them yet...I give no name to this piece, but, in the Gallery London, people stare for long time at is a 3d piece....however I would say, it is much more than 3d.....! Who are Wingmakers?


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