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Comment by Zachary on April 2, 2015 at 9:19pm

Malin, I don't believe they have a set meaning (if you google crop circle meaning the top two sites are examples of people believing they are predictatory tools from ET's/Higher Dimensional Beings),

What I do believe strongly is that they are useful to understand certain core principles, a multi-dimensional syntax of a language that consciously is 'above our -current- level' of knowing. Almost like Interstellar where he sends messages from the future, it seems like the crop circles above have a similar feel.

What's curious is practicing a technique of switching between foveal and peripherial vision when asking the question "What do these mean to me? What are they teaching me, now, today?" 

Doing that is an interesting way of breaking the normal pattern detection, and helps stir a more creative and imaginative perspective that can help you come to new conclusions and bear new links for what ever your currently learning about and intent on embodying.

Link on the foveal/periphery explanation, with the bonus skill of 'soft eyes'->

Comment by Malin Angelica on April 2, 2015 at 3:17pm

Interesting.. so what do they all mean?


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