Views: 107

Albums: Crystals


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Comment by Helena van schaik on February 6, 2015 at 2:11pm
Very beautiful collection.
Comment by Karrade on September 7, 2012 at 1:26am

Next I think fulgarite for pure energy, some more greens for the heart work that is tough going, and browns/reds for earthly energies. The selenite is really hitting my solar plexus, there is something I don't want in my just below the heart chakra so I keep it there, makes the muscles react when I put it on at the moement. The same muscle is also the source of a behavioral addiction i've come to realise in regards to unhealthy escapism. So i've been trying to accept that part of myself and communicate with it, but so far no joy on that, maybe in dreams I am doing as they have followed a theme recently.

Comment by Karrade on September 7, 2012 at 1:20am

I think the albums are personal but it'd be nice if they could be made general. I have noticed the apache tears doesn't like much attention :) but its on the very bottom there just sneaking out of shot, and its one of my favorites.

I had not realised that visulisation of a crystal allows the energy to be brought into meditation, thank you for that aid.

Comment by ヅSun☼Spirit ヅ on September 6, 2012 at 2:51pm

Thanx so much for sharing!!!...Looks like you have some pretty prettieies like this there!...most of those I have also...

Love the large Black Tourmaline....and Amythest have some gr8 intuitive on the placement for the chakras...I use babies like this all the time with my reiki work on my clients....

Youve inspired me to capture my babies and post them too!!....

Is this a general album that I can add to...or is this your personal post??

I learned from my 1st reiki master that you can cultivate the ability to "tap" into a particular crystals energy by just visualizing it in your auric field....and of course to manifest it into the physical if needed  ;)

Posting these pics helps those who dont have them to tap into the energies also....what a way to share!!



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