archetypes of the planets chart with correspondences
As a Hermetic science, Alchemy follows the ancient dictum, “As above, so below; as below, so above”. Alchemically, all of Nature around us is a reflection of a higher, divine order, and that higher order holds the archetypes of all physical creation.

Anything observed or experienced in our physical world is ruled by one of the planetary archetypes; this means that the archetype encompasses certain qualities and attributes also found in the things it rules. The currents of influence between the planets above and the things they rule on earth can be studied, understood, and used at will. This is the initiatic path.

Plants are affected by these currents as well, and manifest different physical and subtle qualities according to their ruling planetary archetype. Physical healing with plants is widely understood, but plants can also be used for their subtle and spiritual levels, as practiced in alchemy and shamanism.

Some of the energies than can be accessed or influenced by subtle work with plants are listed here, according to their planetary archetypes. All of our processing takes place on specific days and times proper to the rulership of each herb, and each herb emerges from its Alchymical processing as a carrier of planetary energy in magnified form.

Plants are complex, and each manifests a varied range of qualities, but, in general, they can be organized, understood, and used through their planetary rulership. Use this information as a guide for your own explorations and discoveries!

Archetypal Qualities- in touch with emotions, intuitive, empathetic, visions and clairvoyance, creative, rich dream life, connected to energies of the feminine, relaxed.

Archetypal Qualities- courageous, determined, passionate, strong will to manifest purpose and desires, spiritually active and adventurous

Archetypal Qualities- clever, good communication, intellectual, adaptable, high vitality, moves easily between energies and subtle levels of being, spiritual syncretism, respect and mastery of different traditions and ideas

Archetypal Qualities- good judgment, wise, respected, friendly, well-liked, easygoing, wise, easily sees destiny and moves towards it, sees “big picture” of life

Archetypal Qualities- loving, affectionate, creative and artistic, popular, feminine, sensual, creative and artistic, feminine, strong devotional energy, aphrodisiac

Archetypal Qualities- reliable, dependable, practical, patient, diplomatic, understands Karmic structure and cycles, timeless view of all, perseveres in any spiritual path, does not lose faith easily

Archetypal Qualities- cheerful, charismatic, confident, emotionally warm, good vitality, charismatic, confident, positive outlook on life, able to stay content in face of adversity, strong inner center

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